ABCs of Cloud Computing
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ABCs of Cloud Computing

A Handbook to enter into the World of Cloud Computing!

About the Book

ABCs of Cloud Computing is a Book written for the purpose of introducing the new technology called Cloud Computing in the field of computing. With the help of this guide, beginners can get to know the historical background of Cloud Computing, which is covered in Section I. The architectural background of Cloud Computing is described in Section II, which includes Virtualization, Challenges and Security Practices for the Cloud. Section III covers various Standards followed in implementing Cloud Computing such as Standards for Developers, Standards for Messaging and Standards for Communication. The last chapter of every Section talks about the services provided by various Cloud Service Providers, especially for the Education Sector.

About the Author

David Livingston J
David Livingston J, M.E.

J. David Livingston, a software professional turned academician, has been into teaching COMPUTER SCIENCE since 2003. He worked as an Assistant Professor in various Engineering Colleges affiliated to Anna University for 10 years.  He also worked as HOD in the Department of Computer Engineering in SRI Polytechnic College, Coimbatore. He has expertise in the field of Client/Server programming, Web programming and Cloud computing.

Table of Contents


1. Introduction to Cloud Computing            7

2. Generations of Computers                      14

3. Classification of Computers                     23

4. Basic Internet Terminology                      29

5. Getting Connected to Internet                 34

6. The Emergence of Cloud Computing      41

7. Popular Cloud Service Providers             46


8. Cloud Computing Infrastructure Models   55

9. Virtualization and Its Types                     60

10. Techniques Used in Server Virtualization 65

11. Challenges for the Cloud                      72

12. Baseline Security Practices for SaaS

                                                        (Part I)    78

13. Baseline Security Practices for SaaS

                                                        (Part II)   84

14. Open SaaS Applications                        90


15. Common Standards in Cloud Computing 99

16. Cloud Management Initiative                 104

17. Standards for Application Developers

                                                        (Part I)    111

18. Standards for Application Developers

                                                        (Part II)   116

19. Standards for Messaging                        121

20. Standards for Communication               125

21. Cloud Services for Education                131

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