ChatOps the Easy Way
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ChatOps the Easy Way

PowerShell Automation Through Chat Using PoshBot

About the Book

PoshBot is a simple but powerful ChatOps framework built in and for PowerShell that provides automation capabilities through Slack. This book helps both those already familiar with ChatOps and those new to the idea.

The book begins by covering the advantages of implementing ChatOps in your organization by explaining both the social and technical benefits it provides, then dives deep, guiding you through installing PoshBot, wiring it up to Slack, creating your first plugin, and leveraging PoshBot's rich set of capabilities to provide a first-class PowerShell automation experience through chat. Numerous scenarios for ChatOps are covered to provide a broad set of useful solutions to real-world problems encountered in the typical IT organization. 

Examples in this book have been tested with the latest version of PoshBot (0.10.3) as of this writing.

This book is written by the creator of PoshBot, Brandon Olin. It doesn't get more first-hand than this!

This is an Agile-published book

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About the Author

Brandon Olin
Brandon Olin

Brandon is a Site Reliability Engineer, Cloud Architect, veteran Systems Engineer, speaker, blogger, freelance writer, and open source contributor. He is a Microsoft MVP in Cloud and Datacenter Management and has a penchant for PowerShell and DevOps processes. He spends much of his time exploring new technologies to drive the business forward and loves to apply ideas pioneered in the DevOps community to solving real-world business problems. Brandon is active in the PowerShell community and loves to give back with a number of projects published to the PowerShell Gallery.

You can follow his code at GitHub, his blog at, or reach him on Twitter at @devblackops.

Table of Contents

  • Dedication
  • Preface
    • Who is This Book For?
    • Typographic Conventions
    • Asides
    • Feedback
    • Current Published Book Version
    • About the Author
  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1 - Chat: A Brief History
    • Bulletin Boards
    • Early Bot Examples
    • Modern Chat Bots for Consumers
    • Modern Chat Products
    • MS Teams
    • Are Bots Dead?
    • ChatOps is Different
  • Chapter 2 - Why ChatOps
    • Conversations, put to work
    • Benefits
  • Chapter 3 - Platforms, Frameworks, and Use-Cases
    • Common Chat Platforms
    • Common Frameworks
    • Third-Party Integrations
    • Common Use-cases
    • The Sky is the Limit
  • Chapter 4 - Anatomy of a ChatBot
    • Fundamentals
    • What Are Commands?
    • How do you Run Commands?
    • Summary
  • Chapter 5 - PoshBot Overview
    • What Is PoshBot?
    • Why Was PoshBot Created?
    • Class-Based
    • Cross Platform
    • Command Packaged in Plugins
    • Backends
    • Features
    • Message Processing Flow
    • Summary
  • Chapter 6 - Installing and Running PoshBot
    • Installing PoshBot
    • Importing PoshBot
    • Retrieving a Slack Bot Token
    • Determining Slack Usernames
    • Creating a PoshBot configuration file
    • Creating a Backend Instance
    • Creating and Starting PoshBot Instance
    • Validating Connectivity
    • Summary
  • Chapter 7 - PoshBot Functions
    • List PoshBot Commands
    • PoshBot Configuration
    • Backends
    • Managing PoshBot Instances
    • Plugin Command Responses
    • Stateful Data Management
    • Summary
  • Chapter 8 - Running PoshBot in the Background
    • Running as a Background Job
    • Running as a Windows Scheduled Task
    • Running as a Windows Service
    • Summary
  • Chapter 9 - Plugins
    • What is a Plugin?
    • Importing Plugins into PoshBot
    • Finding Plugins
    • How Installed Plugins are persisted?
    • Summary

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