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Changes in Genesis 2.0

The ultimate guide to every single change in the Genesis Framework 2.0

About the Book

Gary is a rare talent. To characterize his work as “high quality” would be an understatement. His understanding of Genesis is quite extensive.

— Nathan Rice, Lead Developer, Copyblogger Media

Genesis is changing…for the better

And with your Ultimate Guide, you’ll be up to speed in no time

Good News! Genesis 2.0 is now available and its arrival has been greeted with lots of excitement.

After all, we’re not just talking about a simple upgrade here. Genesis 2.0 contains state of the art code and some big changes to functionality including:

  • HTML5 supports new elements and attributes
  • microdata will enhance Genesis’s inbuilt SEO functionality
  • CSS3 enhances design functionality
  • Custom Post Type Archives for extra SEO opportunities.

In total, Genesis 2.0 incorporates 131 fixes, improvements, additions and removals. It means there’s a lot to get your head around if you want to really understand the implications of its release.

Updated: The guide also contains a new chapter covering the additional nine changes made between Genesis 2.0.0 and Genesis 2.0.1

So as a talented web developer who creates plugins and child themes to run on the Genesis Framework, how will you ensure you make the most of the new functionality?

Will you:

  • Sift through the mass of web articles
  • Tinker and play to figure it out
  • Immerse yourself in the discussion forums

All of that is going to take up your valuable time.

Introducing Changes for Genesis 2.0 - The Ultimate Guide To Every Single Change In The Genesis Framework 2.0

It contains everything you need to know to get familiar with the new version, fast.

It’s Your Genesis 2.0 Bible

Here are the top five reasons why you need this guide:

  • The Ultimate Guide covers every change

    The Ultimate Guide contains a comprehensive list of every change – even those deemed too technical or insignificant to get reported in the release announcement. It means you’ll have to hand a comprehensive overview of everything that’s different in just one resource.

  • It contains comprehensive commentary that explains the changes

    A simple list of changes is not enough if you’re serious about developing with Genesis.

    To ensure you quickly get to grips with the new features and functionality you’ll want to know why those changes were made.

  • Provide a better service to your clients

    Whether you create Child Themes from scratch, customise StudioPress themes or develop plugins for Genesis, the Ultimate Guide will help you get to grips with the new functionality quickly.

  • Write better code

    An understanding of why Genesis code is structured in a particular way will give you the confidence to customise code that won’t fall down when Genesis updates.

  • Save time

    Once you understand Genesis 2.0 you’ll be able to create customised code that you can confidently copy and paste across your projects. It will save you valuable development time and increase your profit potential.

Gary's guide totally helped deepen my understanding of the Genesis Framework and the thought process behind its development. I can see this as being essential for both the enthusiast as well as the web developer. It's packed with the nuts and bolts of knowledge needed to truly get the most out of this industry standard WordPress framework.

— Eric Hamm, Founder and Lead Developer, Cobalt Apps

Written by Key Genesis Contributor Gary Jones

Gary is a stickler for detail, obsessed with code and a huge fan of the Genesis Framework.

For some time now he's been keeping a track of every single change to the Genesis Framework and he's listed them on a dedicated site – It’s the only site where you can discover this information.

But with the Ultimate Guide, he's gone one step further and explained all those changes.

You’ll find it’s the quickest and easiest way to get up to speed with what you can achieve with Genesis 2.0.

Gary pulls the curtain back and gives an insider's perspective on the new changes in Genesis 2.0. If you're a technical user, you will definitely love reading this.

— Carrie Dils, WordPress Developer

Gary has been an incredible asset to the Genesis community.

— Brian Gardner, Chief Product Officer, Copyblogger Media

I asked Gary if he could answer some questions and teach me how to code more effectively. It didn’t take me long to find out why so many people consider him THE authority on the Genesis Framework.

— Robert Neu, CEO, Fat Media

Buy and Download Your Copy Now

The Ultimate Guide to Every Change in Genesis 2.0 is ready for you to download now. What’s more, it comes with a minimum price of just $29.99. At less than $30, that’s about the same price as a Genesis child theme, and an investment that’s almost certainly less than an hour of your time at your hourly rate. And you wouldn’t be able to find out such extensive details about the changes within an hour of looking at the code. If you spent the number of hours that I’ve done tracking these changes, you’ll find that the cost of having it already done for you and written up in a handy guide is exceptionally cheap.

Grab your copy NOW and use it to quickly familiarise yourself with Genesis 2.0. It’s your short cut to the inside knowledge needed to create robust child themes and plugins for you or your clients.

Gary has succinctly explained each of the changes in the new version of the Genesis framework, based on his extensive contributions to the code and thorough knowledge of the discussions that went into each change. If you’re an experienced Genesis developer building themes or plugins, getting this book is an absolute no-brainer.

— Dorian Speed, Web Designer, Up To Speed

About the Author

Gary Jones
Gary Jones

Gary Jones is a web developer who specialises in WordPress. He is a key contributor for the Genesis Framework. He also trains and mentors other developers, with a focus on improving the code in their own client work or products.

About the Contributors

Carrie Dils
Carrie Dils


Carrie Dils is a freelance WordPress developer specializing in the Genesis Framework. She is based out of Fort Worth, TX.
Diane Kinney
Diane Kinney

Cover Creator

Diane took time out from designing and building websites at to create a front cover for this book.

Table of Contents

  • Copyright, Legal Notice and Disclaimer
  • 1 Introduction
    • 1.1 Who Is This Guide For?
    • 1.2 About the Author
    • 1.3 Contributors
    • 1.4 Notes
  • 2 HTML5
    • 2.1 Added semantic HTML5 elements across all output
    • 2.2 Added attributes markup functions genesis_attr() and genesis_parse_attr()
    • 2.3 Added default microdata
    • 2.4 Added role attributes to assist with accessibility
    • 2.5 Added more classes for pagination elements
    • 2.6 Added HTML5-specific hooks
    • 2.7 Added HTML5 shiv for Internet Explorer 8 and below
    • 2.8 Removed display of entry-footer for everything except posts
    • 2.9 Removed loading of Superfish script by default
    • 2.10 Removed Microformat classes
    • 2.11 Removed global $loop_counter
    • 2.12 Removed back to top text
    • 2.13 Removed custom comment form arguments
  • 3 User Interface
    • 3.1 Fixed misalignment of settings page boxes
    • 3.2 Fixed inconsistent term meta UI
    • 3.3 Improved in-post scripts box by moving it to its own box
    • 3.4 Improved feedback for Navigation settings
    • 3.5 Improved What’s New page with new content, and random order of contributors
    • 3.6 Improved admin styles to work better with MP6 plugin
    • 3.7 Improved wording for email notification setting
    • 3.8 Improved labels containing URI to use URL instead
    • 3.9 Improved widget areas by only showing default content to those who can edit widgets
    • 3.10 Added archive settings for custom post types
    • 3.11 Added contextual help to settings pages
    • 3.12 Added distinct admin menu icon
    • 3.13 Added an unsaved settings alert
    • 3.14 Added semantic heading setting for using multiple h1 elements on a page
    • 3.15 Added permalink on posts with no title
    • 3.16 Added recognition of SEO Ultimate plugin
    • 3.17 Removed Fancy Dropdown settings
    • 3.18 Removed empty Secondary Navigation section
    • 3.19 Removed Theme Information setting
    • 3.20 Removed the Older / Newer archive pagination format
    • 3.21 Removed child theme README admin menu item
  • 4 Design
    • 4.1 Improved organisation of style sheet
    • 4.2 Improved reset styles by switching to normalize.css
    • 4.3 Improved selectors by removing all* use of ID selectors in style.css
    • 4.4 Improved development speed, by switching to 62.5% (10px) default font-size
    • 4.5 Improved Google Web Fonts usage by switching to a protocol-less URL
    • 4.6 Added iframe to CSS to cover responsive video
    • 4.7 Added new clearfix method for block elements
    • 4.8 Added rtl.css file
    • 4.9 Added updated screenshot
    • 4.10 Removed RSS and Twitter images
    • 4.11 Removed device-specific subheadings
    • 4.12 Removed support for five-column layout
  • 5 Widgets
    • 5.1 Improved featured widgets to utilise the global $wp_query
    • 5.2 Removed previously deprecated eNews widget
    • 5.3 Removed previously deprecated Latest Tweets widget
  • 6 Assets
    • 6.1 Fixed Closure Compiler output file name for admin.js
    • 6.2 Improved code that toggles display of extra settings
    • 6.3 Improved inline settings for Closure Compiler so it uses the latest jQuery externs file (1.8)
    • 6.4 Improved Superfish by updating to the latest version
    • 6.5 Added JSLint and Closure Compiler instructions to Superfish args non-minified file
    • 6.6 Added minified JavaScript (*.min.js) files
    • 6.7 Added minified admin style sheet (*.min.css) file
    • 6.8 Added early registration of Superfish files
    • 6.9 Added header logo files
    • 6.10 Removed ternary part of genesis.confirm()
  • 7 Code
    • 7.1 Fixed wp_footer() so it fires right before </body>
    • 7.2 Fixed duplicate IDs on top and bottom submit and reset admin buttons
    • 7.3 Fixed invalid HTML output in user profile widget
    • 7.4 Fixed duplicate calls to genesis_no_comments_text filter
    • 7.5 Fixed structural wrap function so support for them can be removed completely
    • 7.6 Fixed incorrectly linked label on noarchive post setting
    • 7.7 Fixed out-of-date Theme and SEO Settings defaults and sanitising
    • 7.8 Fixed redundant parameter in genesis_save_custom_fields()
    • 7.9 Fixed breadcrumb issue for date archives
    • 7.10 Improved support for languages with multibyte characters
    • 7.11 Improved widgets by calling parent::__construct() directly when registering
    • 7.12 Improved output from get_terms() by making Genesis term metadata available
    • 7.13 Improved genesis_do_noposts() to be post type agnostic
    • 7.14 Improved genesis_do_noposts() to use consistent markup
    • 7.15 Improved admin metabox abstraction
    • 7.16 Improved import feature to import only Genesis-related settings
    • 7.17 Improved multi-page navigation code
    • 7.18 Improved menus by not showing empty markup if there are no menu items
    • 7.19 Improved unpaged comment navigation by not showing empty markup
    • 7.20 Improved filtering of terms, by doing nothing if term variable is not an object
    • 7.21 Improved genesis_get_custom_field() by allowing custom fields to return as arrays
    • 7.22 Improved checkbox inputs to utilise WP admin styling
    • 7.23 Improved the organisation of the lib/structure/header.php file
    • 7.24 Improved JavaScript classes, by adding js- prefix to them
    • 7.25 Improved breadcrumbs class to refactor large methods into several smaller ones
    • 7.26 Improved default sidebar contents by refactoring it into a single reusable function.
    • 7.27 Improved genesis_search_form() escaping and logic
    • 7.28 Improved check for presence of Header Right sidebar
    • 7.29 Improved internationalisation so that menu location names are translatable
    • 7.30 Improved internationalisation by simplifying strings
    • 7.31 Improved README file by changing it from a .txt to .md file
    • 7.32 Improved single line comment format to be consistent
    • 7.33 Improved overall code by using identity comparisons wherever suitable
    • 7.34 Improved inline documentation throughout
    • 7.35 Added absint and safe_html new settings sanitisation types
    • 7.36 Added sanitisation for custom body and post classes
    • 7.37 Added filter to disable loading of deprecated functions file.
    • 7.38 Added filter to Superfish args URL
    • 7.39 Added filter to initial layouts
    • 7.40 Added filters to structural wraps
    • 7.41 Added ability to wrap markup around output of genesis_custom_field()
    • 7.42 Added two new breadcrumb-related filters
    • 7.43 Added $args to sidebar defaults filter
    • 7.44 Added $footer_widgets to genesis_footer_widget_areas filter
    • 7.45 Added context arg in genesis_get_image()
    • 7.46 Added fallback arg in genesis_get_image()
    • 7.47 Added array type hints where possible
    • 7.48 Added global displayed IDs variable to track which posts are being shown
    • 7.49 Added setting to Featured Post widget to exclude already displayed posts
    • 7.50 Added third parameter to shortcode_atts() to utilise new WordPress 3.6 filter
    • 7.51 Added network-wide update
    • 7.52 Added blank line at the end of each file for cleaner files and diffs
    • 7.53 Added some preparatory functions for Theme Customizer
    • 7.54 Added archive description box markup around search result page heading
    • 7.55 Added common class for all archive description boxes
    • 7.56 Added common class for both Featured widgets
    • 7.57 Added widget-title class next to widgettitle
    • 7.58 Added lib/functions/breadcrumb.php for breadcrumb-related functions
    • 7.59 Removed (deprecated) genesis_show_theme_info_in_head()
    • 7.60 Removed (deprecated) genesis_theme_files_to_edit()
    • 7.61 Removed (deprecated) g_ent()
    • 7.62 Removed (deprecated) genesis_tweet_linkify()
    • 7.63 Removed (deprecated) genesis_custom_header_admin_style()
    • 7.64 Removed (deprecated) genesis_older_newer_posts_nav()
    • 7.65 Removed GENESIS_LANGUAGES_URL constant
    • 7.66 Removed redundant calls and globals from various functions
    • 7.67 Removed redundant escaping on in-post meta boxes save
    • 7.68 Removed post templates functionality
    • 7.69 Removed all remaining style attributes
    • 7.70 Removed all but two of the remaining inline event handlers
    • 7.71 Removed closing element HTML comments
    • 7.72 Removed empty files and a directory
  • 8 Changes in Genesis 2.0.1
    • 8.1 Fixed post_author_link shortcode for XHTML themes
    • 8.2 Fixed empty document title for custom post type archive settings usage
    • 8.3 Fixed more tag on home page loop with Featured Post
    • 8.4 Fixed Leave a Comment link when no comments are present
    • 8.5 Improved genesis_get_cpt_archive_types_names() to always return an array
    • 8.6 Improved external resources by using relative protocol
    • 8.7 Improved term meta field names
    • 8.8 Improved files to consistently use Unix line-endings
    • 8.9 Removed type hint from sanitization filter
  • 9 Changes in Genesis 2.0.2
    • 9.1 Fixed incorrect Genesis and child themes updates from
    • 9.2 Fixed radio button appearance in WordPress 3.8 admin
    • 9.3 Fixed metabox textarea widths
    • 9.4 Fixed hidden text box handles
    • 9.5 Fixed admin style references to MP6 plugin
    • 9.6 Fixed genesis_human_time_diff()
    • 9.7 Fixed assign by reference Strict Standards warning
    • 9.8 Fixed order of Contributors
    • 9.9 Improved import button UI consistency
    • 9.10 Improved copyright shortcode by using non-breaking space between symbol and year
    • 9.11 Improved pagination setting by using numeric as default
    • 9.12 Improved search field to use value instead of placeholder when query is present
    • 9.13 Improved SEO Settings user interface
    • 9.14 Improved rel=author output to only target posts
    • 9.15 Improved screenshot
    • 9.16 Improved menu icon
    • 9.17 Added Lauren Mancke to Contributor List
    • 9.18 Added Google+ Publisher URL field
    • 9.19 Removed Homepage Author field
  • Now It’s Your Turn!
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