Tour of Ceylon - unofficial
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Tour of Ceylon - unofficial

About the Book

This book is just a compilation of the great documentation available at

The purpose of this compilation is to provide the Ceylon documentation in multiple formats, because the web is not the only place for reading xD

But if you want an interactive experience i recommend you to go to their site..

Tour of Ceylon - unofficial is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Based on a work at

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Tour of Ceylon
    • Before you start
    • A really simple program
    • Running the program from the command line
    • Running the program from the IDE
    • Continue the tour
  • Basics
    • String literals
    • Adding inline documentation
    • Formatting inline documentation
    • Escape sequences
    • Verbatim strings
    • String interpolation and concatenation
    • Dealing with objects that aren’t there
    • Optional types
    • Operators for handling null values
    • Functions and values
    • Defaulted parameters
    • Variadic parameters
    • Fat arrows and forward declaration
    • Numbers
    • There’s more…
  • Classes
    • Identifier naming
    • Creating your own class
    • Hiding implementation details
    • Exposing parameters as attributes
    • Initializing attributes
    • Abstracting state using attributes
    • Living without static members
    • Living without overloading
    • There’s more…
  • Attributes and variables, control structures
    • Attributes and local values
    • Variables
    • Setters
    • Control structures
    • Condition lists
    • There’s more…
  • Inheritance, refinement, and interfaces
    • Inheritance and refinement
    • Shortcut syntax for refinement
    • Refining a member of Object
    • Abstract classes
    • Interfaces and “mixin” inheritance
    • Ambiguities in mixin inheritance
    • There’s more…
  • Anonymous and member classes
    • Anonymous classes
    • Member classes and member class refinement
    • There’s more…
  • Iterables, sequences, and tuples
    • Iterables
    • Iterating using for
    • Sequences
    • Sequence syntax sugar
    • Ranges
    • Sequence and its supertypes
    • Empty sequences and the bottom type
    • Sequence gotchas for Java developers
    • Tuples
    • There’s more…
  • Type aliases and type inference
    • Type aliases
    • Member class aliases and class alias refinement
    • Type inference
    • Type inference for iterable constructor expressions
    • Anonymous classes and type inference
    • There’s more…
  • Union, intersection, and enumerated types
    • Narrowing the type of an object reference
    • Intersection types
    • Union types
    • Enumerated types
    • Visitors
    • Enumerated interfaces
    • Enumerated instances
    • More about disjointness
    • Coverage and the of operator
    • There’s more…
  • Generics
    • Defining generic types
    • Type arguments
    • Covariance and contravariance
    • Covariance and contravariance with unions and intersections
    • Generics and inheritance
    • Generic type constraints
    • Fully reified generic types
    • There’s more…
  • Packages and modules
    • Packages and imports
    • Modularity
    • The module system
    • Module-level visibility and package descriptors
    • Dependencies and module descriptors
    • Module archives and module repositories
    • Module runtime
    • Module repository ecosystem
    • There’s more
  • Functions
    • First class and higher order functions
    • Representing the type of a function
    • Defining higher order functions
    • Function references
    • Static method and attribute references
    • Curried functions
    • Anonymous functions
    • More about higher-order functions
    • Composition and curry
    • The spread operator
    • There’s more…
    • Named arguments
    • Iterable arguments
    • Named arguments to variadic parameters
    • Leaving out the parameter names
    • Declarative object instantiation syntax
    • Defining user interfaces
    • There’s more…
  • Comprehensions
    • Comprehensions
    • Transformation
    • Filtering
    • Products and joins
    • There’s more…
  • The language module
    • An overview of the language module
    • Equality and identity
    • Operator polymorphism
    • Comparison operators
    • Set operators
    • Indexed operations
    • Characters and character strings
    • Numeric types
    • Numeric literals
    • Whole and Decimal
    • Abstracting over numeric types
    • Numeric widening
    • Collections
    • There’s more…
  • Initialization
    • Self references and outer instance references
    • Multiple inheritance and “linearization”
    • Definite assignment and definite initialization
    • Class bodies
    • Initializer section
    • Declaration section
    • Circular references
    • Definite initialization of functions
    • Definite return
    • There’s more…
  • Annotations and the metamodel
    • Annotations
    • Annotation constructors
    • Annotation arguments
    • Annotation types
    • Annotation constraints
    • Restrictions on annotation parameters and annotation arguments
    • Reading annotation values at runtime
    • Defining annotations
    • The metamodel
    • There’s more …
  • Interoperation with Java
    • Depending on the Java SDK
    • Depending on a Java archive
    • Interoperation with Java types
    • There’s more …
  • Dynamic typing
    • Partially typed declarations
    • Dynamically typed expressions
    • Runtime type checking
    • Example
    • There’s more …

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