Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) Exam Guide
Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) Exam Guide
Become a certified CISSP professional with practical exam-oriented knowledge of all eight domains
About the Book
The (ISC)2 CISSP exam evaluates the competencies required to secure organizations, corporations, military sites, and government entities. The comprehensive CISSP certification guide offers up-to-date coverage of the latest exam syllabus, ensuring you can approach the exam with confidence, fully equipped to succeed.
Complete with interactive flashcards, invaluable exam tips, and self-assessment questions, this book helps you build and test your knowledge of all eight CISSP domains. Detailed answers and explanations for all questions will enable you to gauge your current skill level and strengthen weak areas.
This guide systematically takes you through all the information you need to not only pass the CISSP exam, but also excel in your role as a security professional. Starting with the big picture of what it takes to secure the organization through asset and risk management, it delves into the specifics of securing networks and identities. Later chapters address critical aspects of vendor security, physical security, and software security.
By the end of this book, you'll have mastered everything you need to pass the latest CISSP certification exam and have this valuable desktop reference tool for ongoing security needs.
Table of Contents
- Ethics, Security Concepts, and Governance Principles
- Compliance, Regulation, and Investigations
- Security Policies and Business Continuity
- Risk Management, Threat Modeling, SCRM, and SETA
- Asset and Privacy Protection
- Information and Asset Handling
- Secure Design Principles and Controls
- Architecture Vulnerabilities and Cryptography
- Facilities and Physical Security
- Network Architecture Security
- Securing Communication Channels
- Identity, Access Management, and Federation
- Identity Management Implementation
- Designing and Conducting Security Assessments
- Designing and Conducting Security Testing
- Planning for Security Operations
- Security Operations
- Disaster Recovery
- Business Continuity, Personnel, and Physical Security
- Software Development Life Cycle Security
- Software Development Security Controls
- Securing Software Development
- Secure Coding Guidelines, Third-Party Software, and Databases
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