CCSP (ISC)2 Certified Cloud Security Professional Exam Guide
CCSP (ISC)2 Certified Cloud Security Professional Exam Guide
Build your knowledge to pass the CCSP exam with expert guidance
About the Book
Preparing for the Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) exam can be challenging, as it covers a wide array of topics essential for advancing a cybersecurity professional’s career by validating their technical skills. To prepare for the CCSP exam, you need a resource that not only covers all the exam objectives but also helps you prepare for the format and structure of the exam. Written by two seasoned cybersecurity professionals with a collective experience of hundreds of hours training CCSP bootcamps, this CCSP study guide reflects the journey you’d undertake in such training sessions. The chapters are packed with up-to-date information necessary to pass the (ISC)2 CCSP exam. Additionally, to boost your confidence, the book provides self-assessment questions, exam tips, and mock exams with detailed answer explanations. You’ll be able to deepen your understanding using illustrative explanations that briefly review key points. As you progress, you’ll delve into advanced technical aspects of cloud domain security, such as application security, design, managing and securing data, and infrastructure in the cloud using best practices and legal policies and procedures. By the end of this guide, you’ll be ready to breeze through the exam and tackle real-world cloud security challenges with ease.
Table of Contents
- Core Cloud Concepts
- Cloud Reference Architecture
- Top Threats and Essential Cloud Security Concepts and Controls
- Design Principles for Secure Cloud Computing
- How to Evaluate Your Cloud Service Provider
- Cloud Data Security Concepts and Architectures
- Data Governance Essentials
- Essential Infrastructure and Platform Components for a Secure Data Center
- Analyzing Risk
- Security Control Implementation
- Planning for the Worst-Case Scenario – Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery
- Application Security
- Secure Software Development Life Cycle
- Assurance, Validation, and Verification in Security
- Application-Centric Cloud Architecture
- IAM Design
- Cloud Physical and Logical Infrastructure (Operationalization and Maintenance)
- International Operational Controls and Standards
- Digital Forensics
- Managing Communications
- Security Operations Center Management
- Legal Challenges and the Cloud
- Privacy and the Cloud
- Cloud Audit Processes and Methodologies
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