Flask Masterclass (The Course)
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Course Info

This course includes 3 attempts.

This is the Flask course to take if you are interested into serious Flask development. It covers gearing Flask for scale and includes healthy practices such as testing and logging. More than 30 chapters with numerous apps. Psst, move the scale to the left.


Course Material

  • About The Factory Pattern
  • Factory Pattern
  • Implementing the pattern
  • Why such a pattern?
  • Configuration Profiles
  • Inheritance in Python
  • App structure
  • Purposeful profiles
  • Immediate benefits
  • Switching between profiles
  • Good to know
  • Secrets Management
  • Overview of the instance folder
  • Setting up the instance folder
  • Testing the configuration
  • Setting up the instance folder from scratch
  • Environment variables
  • Commandline Arguments
  • Implement command-line arguments using app.cli.command
  • The Flask shell
  • Customizing the Flask shell
  • Implementing manage.py
  • Pattern For Avoiding Application Factory Errors
  • File for declarations
  • Section 1 Quiz
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 13 attempts allowed
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 23 attempts allowed
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 33 attempts allowed
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 43 attempts allowed
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 53 attempts allowed
  • flask-sqlalchemy
  • Advantages of an ORM
  • Differences between SQLAlchemy and Flask-SQLAlchemy
  • Setting up Flask-SQLAlchemy
  • Creating the database
  • SQLAlchemy tables
  • Refs
  • flask-migrate
  • Setting up Flask-Migrate
  • Using Flask-Migrate
  • flask-login
  • Flask-Login requirements
  • Overview of the app
  • Setting up configurations
  • Implementing our models
  • Dealing with authentication
  • Why Bcrypt (or Flask-Bcrypt) is not needed for this demo?
  • What is a blueprint?
  • Writing templates
  • Setting up views
  • Tweaking the app.py
  • Running the app
  • flask-admin
  • Adding an admin view
  • Implementation
  • flask-reuploaded
  • Flask-Uploads concepts
  • Implementation
  • Good to know
  • flask-wtforms
  • Flask-WTForms concepts
  • Demo app
  • Good to know
  • marshmallow-sqlalchemy
  • Why is Marshmallow-Sqlalchemy useful?
  • Implementing Flask-marshmallow
  • Choosing what fields to display
  • wtforms-sqlachemy
  • Our app
  • Implementation
  • Homepage
  • Edit page
  • Dealing with the CSRF Token
  • flask-mailman
  • Implementation
  • Watch emails arrive
  • Section 2 Quiz
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 63 attempts allowed
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 73 attempts allowed
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 83 attempts allowed
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 93 attempts allowed
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 103 attempts allowed
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 113 attempts allowed
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 123 attempts allowed
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 133 attempts allowed
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 143 attempts allowed
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 153 attempts allowed
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 163 attempts allowed
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 173 attempts allowed
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 183 attempts allowed
  • Pushing The Modular Approach Further
  • Benefits of the modular pattern
  • Caveats of modular patterns
  • Conclusion
  • Enhancing The Modular Approach
  • Registering blueprints on the fly
  • Automating the creation of modules
  • The facultative nature of module elements
  • Conclusion
  • Assets Management
  • Modular assets management
  • Implementing collectstatic serving
  • Conclusion
  • More Project Management Options
  • Implementing theming
  • Spawning new projects
  • Section 3 Quiz
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 193 attempts allowed
  • Introduction To pytest
  • Getting started with PyTest
  • Dealing with multiple files
  • Defining Flask Fixtures
  • Flask fixtures
  • Documenting With Sphinx
  • Set up Sphinx
  • Bonus
  • Logging
  • Section 4 Quiz
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 203 attempts allowed
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 213 attempts allowed
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 223 attempts allowed
  • APIs With Flask
  • Available frameworks for developing API apps
  • flask-restx Fundamentals
  • Advanced flask-restx Concepts
  • Custom input validation
  • Defining default response messages for status codes
  • Namespaces
  • Using with the application factory pattern.
  • Explicitly adding models to the documentation
  • Nested and List fields in models
  • Returning a list of items
  • Auth, JWT, Errors and CORS
  • Documenting authorizations
  • Cors
  • Crafting responses
  • Decouple the business logic from the endpoint
  • The convenience of tracking operation success
  • Pattern for JWT validation
  • Relationship Between Flask And Werkzeug
  • What is Flask made up of?
  • The problem that Werkzeug sometimes poses
  • How Context Processing Works
  • Request Context
  • Flask signals concerning request context
  • Proxies
  • Application context
  • Flask’s g
  • Deploying To Shared Hosting
  • What to look for?
  • How to proceed?
  • New In Flask 2.0
  • Loading any type of configuration file
  • Nested blueprints
  • Named methods
  • Async requests
  • Flask Community Workgroup
  • About the need for a community workgroup
  • About the Pallets-eco
  • Shopyo: The Framework Behind The Course
  • Other Useful Extensions
  • Flask-Limiter
  • Flask-Babel
  • Flask-Multipass
  • Flask-Appbuilder
  • Flask-SocketIO
  • Further Readings



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