Communication Super power - The Foundations of Effective Communication (The Course)
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Course Info

This course includes 2 attempts.

This course is designed for anyone looking to develop a Super Power in the world of work : effective communication skills.

Effective communication skills requires creativity, purpose, clarity and critical thinking. We cover that in the course, helping you to become more assertive, confident and capable at dealing with presentations, meetings, conflict, active listening and more.

Develop your communication behaviours in this course on the fundamentals of communication. It is based on my award winning Communication Super Power workshop.

This is a text based course and I will ask you to sit a DISC survey during it, or use my cheat sheet for self-assessment if you'd rather not use the survey tools.

In this course we'll cover:

  • Why effective communication skills are so important
  • How to be effective AND liked - and why relationships really are the key to influencing
  • The science of communication
  • Why DISC is a useful tool for communication
  • Understanding DISC and why shifting to the other person is the key
  • The 11 Principles of effective communication:
  1. Purpose, Audience and Context
  2. Enthusiasm
  3. Communication is something the receiver does
  4. Stories go where facts cannot
  5. Don't waste another person's time
  6. Practice is preparation
  7. People remember how you make them feel
  8. Non-verbal is a super power and why first impressions matter
  9. People resonate with those who sound like them
  10. You can hack your body
  11. Listening is the greatest compliment
  • How to actively listen
  • Staying calm under pressure
  • Effective writing
  • The art of non-verbal communication

I encourage you to reflect after each lesson on what that lesson means to you and how you will change to adapt what you are learning.

There are no quizzes or tests. I personally believe self-reflection is a better tool for learning than rote memory.

As part of this course I will ask you to sit a DISC survey, or use my cheat sheet for self assessment.

I cannot teach you to be an effective communicator - you must do that through practice. But this course will highlight the foundations, get you thinking and give you some guiding principles to start on your journey. 


“Rob’s Communication Workshop is brilliant. Of all the training I’ve done over my career, it’s the one that’s had the most immediate and positive impact, both on my work and personal life.” Sylvia – attendee

“I knew Rob was a great speaker as I’d seen him present at a number of industry conferences so I had high expectations of the communications workshop he delivered to my team. He exceeded them all! He consulted with me to understand what we wanted to achieve and then facilitated a jam packed workshop that had something for everyone. Rob’s energy, expertise and amiable presenting style was a big hit with all of us and we left with new skills, insights and practical knowledge.” Scott - director of a company

About Me and the original workshop

About Me - I run two brands.

Cultivated Management -

Parent Brain -

Will I really develop a super power?

If you put all of this in to practice you will indeed be on a journey to develop this super power.

Not a super-hero super power (like laser eyes, or flight, or immortality) but an exceptional ability to get things done at work.


Course Material

  • Introduction
  • About Me
  • Why this platform?
  • What’s in the course?
  • Putting it into practice
  • Knowledge is information in action
  • Artboard 3 Created with Sketch.
    Exercise 1
  • Why are communication skills important?
  • Effectiveness, Influence and DISC
  • Effective versus Liked
  • Influence
  • DISC
  • The basics of DISC
  • It’s just me, deal with it.
  • DISC Basics
  • Making sense of the profiles
  • Why is DISC an important tool?
  • DISC is energy management
  • Bibliography
  • Artboard 3 Created with Sketch.
    Exercise 2
  • How to understand DISC
  • D - Dominating
  • I - Influential
  • S - Steadiness
  • C - Conscientious
  • Move to other people
  • The Science of Communication
  • Point 1 - Communication is the sending and receiving of messages via a medium.
  • Point 2 - Communication is affected by noise. In the example above, that noise was me.
  • Point 3 - Communication is something the receiver processes
  • Models of Communication Theory
  • Artboard 3 Created with Sketch.
    Exercise 3
  • Purpose, Audience and Context (Principle 1)
  • Purpose, Audience and Context
  • Purpose
  • Audience
  • Context
  • Summing Up
  • Artboard 3 Created with Sketch.
    Exercise 4
  • Enthusiasm (Principle 2)
  • But what if you’re not enthusiastic about it?
  • A time and a place
  • Artboard 3 Created with Sketch.
    Exercise 5
  • The receiver decodes and does the communication (Principle 3)
  • Artboard 3 Created with Sketch.
    Exercise 6
  • Stories go where facts cannot (Principle 4)
  • The elements of a good story
  • What if I can’t tell stories?
  • Artboard 3 Created with Sketch.
    Exercise 7
  • Don’t waste another person’s time (Principle 5)
  • Artboard 3 Created with Sketch.
    Exercise 8
  • Practice is preparation (Principle 6)
  • Nerves
  • Content
  • Artboard 3 Created with Sketch.
    Exercise 9
  • People remember how you make them feel (Principle 7)
  • You cannot make somebody feel anything
  • Movement and action
  • You cannot please everyone
  • Artboard 3 Created with Sketch.
    Exercise 10
  • Non-verbal is an elevated superpower (Principle 8)
  • You get 1/10th second to make a good impression
  • It’s a superpower
  • Behaviours
  • Congruence
  • Baseline
  • Bibliography
  • Artboard 3 Created with Sketch.
    Exercise 11
  • People resonate with those that sound like them (Principle 9)
  • Shouldn’t you just be your authentic self?
  • Artboard 3 Created with Sketch.
    Exercise 12
  • You can hack your body (Principle 10)
  • Why use these techniques?
  • Gratitude
  • Happiness and smiling
  • Binaural beats
  • Comedy shows
  • Music from my childhood
  • Do what you are really good at
  • Journaling
  • SAD lamp
  • Exercise
  • Bibliography
  • Artboard 3 Created with Sketch.
    Exercise 13
  • Listening is the greatest compliment
  • Artboard 3 Created with Sketch.
    Exercise 14
  • How to actively listen
  • Turn and Face
  • Be prepared to listen
  • Be Interested
  • Empty Your Cup
  • Piece it all together
  • Listen Critically
  • Focus
  • Take Notes
  • Respond
  • Summing Up
  • Artboard 3 Created with Sketch.
    Exercise 15
  • Staying Calm Under Pressure
  • Relax
  • Study and Listen to derive intent
  • Stall for time if needed
  • Use silence
  • Plan ahead
  • Be clear and confident in your delivery
  • Answer the question to a narrow scope and ensure its complete.
  • Answer then stop
  • Summing Up
  • Bibliography
  • Artboard 3 Created with Sketch.
    Exercise 16
  • Writing
  • Purpose, Audience and Context
  • Writing and editing are two different activities
  • Structure and outline
  • Sit on it
  • Write like you speak
  • Write for children
  • Find a distraction free tool
  • 60 Days Proof
  • Don’t use big words
  • Avoid using absolutes and generalisations
  • Be Journalistic
  • Be complete
  • Don’t SHOUT or be aggressive
  • Be upfront
  • What is written is considered the truth
  • Bibliography
  • Artboard 3 Created with Sketch.
    Exercise 17
  • Non-verbal communication
  • Communication through non-verbal
  • Elements of non-verbal communication
  • Confidence and Assertiveness
  • Get a baseline
  • Micro expressions
  • Reading body language
  • Hands
  • Hands in hair
  • Touching Your Face
  • Hand Shakes
  • Eye Contact
  • Smile
  • Chin position
  • Arms Crossed
  • Feet
  • Steepling
  • Gestures
  • Head Nod
  • Eye Rubbing
  • Posture
  • Appearance Matters
  • Positioning in meetings
  • General movement
  • Summing Up
  • Bibliography
  • Final Thoughts
  • Stay in touch
  • Further Resources


    • Rob Lambert has been lucky enough to be part of some amazingly forward thinking companies. It lead to a rich understanding of how businesses succeed, but more importantly for Rob's life, a deep understanding of how to remain relevant and employable in ever changing markets. 

      Rob teaches communication skills, how to be an amazing manager and how to remain employable in our changing world. He loves to teach and engage audiences through writing, podcasting and public presentations. 

      He's a family man with three kids which keep him busy, but when he's not working, he's writing content. The thread that runs through it all is about constant change and personal growth. You'll see this in his books. 

      Rob lives in Winchester, England with his family. He's also a keen photographer, podcaster and car enthusiast.  

      He owns the Cultivated Management and Parent Brain brands.

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