Advanced Kotlin (The Course)
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Course Info

This course includes 1 attempt.

This course focuses on the advanced aspects of Kotlin's development, including generic variance modifiers, delegation, multiplatform programming, annotation processing, KSP, and compiler plugins.

These are often features and tools that developers use daily, even though they don’t know exactly how they work. This course explains them and gives you the knowledge to use these features in your projects.


Course Material

  • Notes about the course
  • Project with exercises
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 13 attempts allowed
  • Generic variance modifiers
  • List variance
  • Consumer variance
  • Function types
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 23 attempts allowed
  • Exercise: Usage of generic types
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 3100 attempts allowed
  • The Covariant Nothing Object
  • The Covariant Nothing Object
  • The Covariant Nothing Class
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 43 attempts allowed
  • Variance modifier limitations
  • Variance modifier limitations
  • UnsafeVariance annotation
  • Variance modifier positions
  • Star projection
  • Summary
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 53 attempts allowed
  • Exercise: Generic Response
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 6100 attempts allowed
  • Exercise: Generic Consumer
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 7100 attempts allowed
  • Interface delegation
  • The delegation pattern
  • Delegation and inheritance
  • Kotlin interface delegation support
  • Wrapper classes
  • The decorator pattern
  • Intersection types
  • Limitations
  • Conflicting elements from parents
  • Summary
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 83 attempts allowed
  • Exercise: ApplicationScope
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 9100 attempts allowed
  • Property delegation
  • How property delegation works
  • Other getValue and setValue parameters
  • Implementing a custom property delegate
  • Provide a delegate
  • Property delegates in Kotlin stdlib
  • The notNull delegate
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 103 attempts allowed
  • Exercise: Lateinit delegate
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 11100 attempts allowed
  • The lazy delegate
  • The lazy delegate
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 123 attempts allowed
  • Exercise: Blog Post Properties
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 13100 attempts allowed
  • The observable delegate
  • The observable delegate
  • The vetoable delegate
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 143 attempts allowed
  • A map as a delegate
  • A map as a delegate
  • Review of how variables work
  • Summary
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 153 attempts allowed
  • Exercise: Mutable lazy delegate
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 16100 attempts allowed
  • Kotlin Contracts
  • The meaning of a contract
  • How many times do we invoke a function from an argument?
  • Implications of the fact that a function has returned a value
  • Using contracts in practice
  • Summary
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 173 attempts allowed
  • Exercise: Coroutine time measurement
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 18100 attempts allowed
  • Part 2: Kotlin on different platforms
  • Java interoperability
  • Nullable types
  • Kotlin type mapping
  • JVM primitives
  • Collection types
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 193 attempts allowed
  • Annotation targets
  • Annotation targets
  • Static elements
  • JvmField
  • Using Java accessors in Kotlin
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 203 attempts allowed
  • JvmName
  • JvmName
  • JvmMultifileClass
  • JvmOverloads
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 213 attempts allowed
  • Unit
  • Unit
  • Function types and function interfaces
  • Tricky names
  • Throws
  • JvmRecord
  • Summary
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 223 attempts allowed
  • Exercise: Adjust Kotlin for Java usage
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 23100 attempts allowed
  • Using Kotlin Multiplatform
  • Multiplatform module configuration
  • Expect and actual elements
  • Possibilities
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 243 attempts allowed
  • Multiplatform libraries
  • Multiplatform libraries
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 253 attempts allowed
  • A multiplatform mobile application
  • A multiplatform mobile application
  • ViewModel class
  • Platform-specific classes
  • Observing properties
  • Summary
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 263 attempts allowed
  • Exercise: Multiplatform LocalDateTime
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 27100 attempts allowed
  • JavaScript interoperability
  • Setting up a project
  • Using libraries available for Kotlin/JS
  • Using Kotlin/JS
  • Building and linking a package
  • Distributing a package to npm
  • Exposing objects
  • Exposing Flow and StateFlow
  • Adding npm dependencies
  • Frameworks and libraries for Kotlin/JS
  • JavaScript and Kotlin/JS limitations
  • Summary
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 283 attempts allowed
  • Exercise: Migrating a Kotlin/JVM project to KMP
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 29100 attempts allowed
  • Part 3: Metaprogramming
  • Reflection
  • Hierarchy of classes
  • Function references
  • Parameter references
  • Property references
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 303 attempts allowed
  • Class reference
  • Class reference
  • Serialization example
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 313 attempts allowed
  • Referencing types
  • Referencing types
  • Type reflection example: Random value
  • Kotlin and Java reflection
  • Breaking encapsulation
  • Summary
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 323 attempts allowed
  • Exercise: Function caller
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 33100 attempts allowed
  • Exercise: Object serialization to JSON
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 34100 attempts allowed
  • Exercise: Object serialization to XML
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 35100 attempts allowed
  • Exercise: DSL-based dependency injection library
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 36100 attempts allowed
  • Annotation processing
  • Your first annotation processor
  • Hiding generated classes
  • Summary
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 373 attempts allowed
  • Exercise: Annotation Processing execution measurement wrapper
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 38100 attempts allowed
  • Kotlin Symbol Processing
  • Your first KSP processor
  • Testing KSP
  • Dependencies and incremental processing
  • Multiple rounds processing
  • Using KSP on multiplatform projects
  • Summary
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 393 attempts allowed
  • Exercise: KSP execution measurement wrapper
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 40100 attempts allowed
  • Kotlin Compiler Plugins
  • Compiler frontend and backend
  • Compiler extensions
  • Popular compiler plugins
  • Making all classes open
  • Changing a type
  • Generate function wrappers
  • Example plugin implementations
  • Summary
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 413 attempts allowed
  • Static Code Analysers
  • What are Static Analysers?
  • Types of analysers
  • Formatters
  • Code Quality Analysers
  • Data-Flow Analysers
  • Code Manipulation
  • Embedded vs Standalone
  • Kotlin Code Analysers
  • Kotlin Compiler
  • IntelliJ IDEA
  • ktlint
  • ktfmt
  • Android Lint
  • detekt
  • Setting up detekt
  • detekt Rules and Rulesets
  • Configuring detekt
  • Incremental Adoption
  • Writing your first detekt Rule
  • Setting up your rule project
  • Coding your rule
  • Using your rule
  • Rules with type resolution
  • Conclusion
  • icon/quiz Created with Sketch.
    Quiz 423 attempts allowed
  • Exercise solutions


    • Marcin Moskala is an experienced developer and Kotlin trainer. He is the founder of the Kt. Academy, Kotlin GDE, an official JetBrains partner for teaching Kotlin, and author of the books Effective Kotlin, Kotlin Coroutines, and Android Development with Kotlin.

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