Ace the technical interview: Dynamic Programming (The Course)
This Course is part of the following Tracks:
Course Info
Course Material
- Introduction
- Interview questions
- A: Path finding
- A-1 Frog Jumping
- A-2 Count all possible routes
- A-3 Minimum skips to arrive at meeting on time
- A-4 Maximum number of visitable indices
- A-5 Regex Match
- B: Pattern Generation
- B-1 Generate Parentheses
- B-2 All valid pickup and delivery options.
- B-3 Count Vowels Permutations
- B-4 (Advanced) Count ways to make array with product
- C: Strings
- C-1 Longest Common Subsequence (LCS)
- C-2 Levenshtein distance
- C-3 Palindromic substrings
- C-4 Longest palindromic subsequence
- C-5 Count palindromic subsequences
- D: Longest Increasing Subsequence (LIS)
- D-1 Longest Strictly Increasing Subsequence
- D-2 Number of longest increasing subsequence
- D-3 Maximum height by stacking cuboids
- E: Knapsack problem
- E-1 Target Sum
- E-2 Ones and Zeroes
- E-3 Coin change combinations
- E-4 Coin change fewest combinations
- E-5 Count of multisets with bounded sum
- F: Maximum Sum Subarray (MSS)
- F-1 Maximum Subarray
- F-2 Maximum absolute sum of any subarray
- F-3 Maximum Product SubArray
- G: Matrix Chain Multiplication
- G-1 Minimum Score Triangulation of Polygon
- G-2 Burst Balloons
- G-3 Minimum Cost to Merge Stones
I’m a Software Engineer by day and a storyteller at heart. I have 7 years experience engineering Software at Amazon, Microsoft and Google where I have left my footprint on the AWS Console, Microsoft Word and Google Cloud. In my spare time, I write both technical and non technical content. I have published Leanpub courses on Algorithms and Data Structures and contributed to publications such as and I write non technical articles on my blog. I absolutely love solving problems, all the way from mysterious beginnings to the Eureka moment. Its a transformative process that I like to share through writing. Whether you are preparing for your next interview or simply reading from curiousity I hope my writing speaks to you.
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