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Tentang Buku
Starting from the period of the kingdoms of Java that was unifying the archipelago. Moved on to the colonialization by bringing a new civilization to the land. The leadership of Duke Aryo Blitar in the early days of Blitar was established. The epic stories of heroism and the colors of the natural horizon. Everything above is preserved through the streaks of waxes on the sheets of cloth.
Blitar has told the story through batik more than a century ago. But his potential wealth just started a new chapter. Batik of Blitar is growing,
Welcome, and introduce.
Tentang Penulis
I am Kik, not a professional writer nor an author. I am just a fresh graduate bachelor of visual communication design from Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology. This book that I have written is my final project for my graduation requirements. I think this book will provide many benefits if I share it with the public.