Build Your Own Sinatra
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Build Your Own Sinatra

About the Book

A book about Rack, Sinatra, Rails, and all the magical things in-between. Master the Rack spec, learn how to write plain Rack apps without a framework, learn how to write middleware, how to build a router, and more!

This is a book about the heart of Ruby frameworks, the Rack Webserver interface. It teaches you everything you need to know to build plain Ruby apps without any framework.

You should read it if

  • You have ever wanted to learn how ruby frameworks work
  • Want to build your own framework
  • Want to modify and contribute to your favorite framework
  • You are curious about stuff like env(), call(), and use()
  • Have ever been perplexed at anything Sinatra or Rails did

What you will learn

  • The Rack Server Interface
  • How to construct a valid Rack application
  • The APIs of Rack::Request and Rack::Response
  • How the internals of Sinatra and other Ruby frameworks work
  • How to write a router in Ruby and how routers compile route strings into RegEx
  • How to write your own plain Rack applications without any framework
  • How to compose Rack applications together and design a framework's API
  •  and more!

What you will build

1. Plain Ruby apps on Rack

You will build rack middleware and raw rack apps right on the metal. You will build a MVC app on top of Rack without any framework. No Rails, no Sinatra, no Cuba, no router, no framework of any kind just pure Rack.

2. A custom Ruby router

You will get to build your own router complete with matcher and splats support!

3. A Ruby Microframework

You will be walked through how to build a microframework called Eldr. Eldr is a simple, flexible, and clear framework without any magic.

About the Author


I'm a developer, designer and occasional writer.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
    • What We Will Build
    • The Structure of this Book
    • Commits, Notes, Warnings and Tips
  • Setting up a Ruby Dev Environment
    • On OS X
    • On Ubuntu
    • Testing
    • Deployment
    • Configuration
  • Inside Rack
    • Hello World
    • Middleware
    • Inside Rack’s env
  • Rack Requests
    • Rack::Request
    • Sinatra::Request
  • Responses
    • Rack::Response
  • MVC on Rack
    • Models
    • Tasks Controller
    • A Better Controller
    • A Quick Look at Better Views
    • Helpers
    • Multiple Controllers
  • Building a Router
    • Building a Simple Router
    • Building a More Advanced Router
  • Designing Your Framework
    • Philosophy
    • The API
  • Building Your Framework
    • Basic Architecture
    • Routing
    • Route Handling
    • Putting it Together
    • Filters
    • Instance Variables
    • Configuration
  • Patterns With Your Framework
    • Helpers
    • Hello World
    • Rendering a Template
    • Before/After Filters
    • Rails Style Routing
    • Rails Style Requests
    • Error Handling
    • Error Catching
    • Conditions
    • Access Control
    • Inheritance
    • Extensions
    • Using Rack inside Eldr
    • Redirecting Things
    • Route Handlers: The Power of Action Objects
    • Testing Eldr Apps
    • The End

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