Build SharePoint Apps with ShareCoffee
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Build SharePoint Apps with ShareCoffee

Developing SharePoint Apps the easy, fast and reliable way

About the Book

SharePoint App Development is the future when we're talking about extending SharePoint 2013 OnPrem or SharePoint Online as part of Microsoft's Office365. 

When building those Apps for SharePoint a lot of pitfalls may prevent you from building Apps in the time frame you've initially thought. ShareCoffee is an abstraction layer on top of SharePoint's API in order to get rid of all these pain points and pitfalls.

This book provides a great introduction into ShareCoffee and highlights all it's features and functionality using samples that you can follow without having years of SharePoint development know how.

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About the Author

Thorsten Hans
Thorsten Hans

Thorsten Hans works as a consultant at Thinktecture in Germany. He drives the architecting and implementing of cloud-native applications leveraging Kubernetes, PaaS, and serverless technologies. He teaches and coaches developer teams to adopt new technology trends and optimize their existing applications to unleash the full platform potential. Thorsten is a well-known blogger and conference speaker. He is awarded as Microsoft MVP for Azure and Docker Captain because of his strong contributions to the developer community.

Table of Contents

  • About the Author
  • Requirements
  • Who Should Read This Book
  • Book Updates
    • October 2014 changes
  • SharePoint Apps Introduction
    • App Isolation
    • App Shapes
    • App Hosting Types
    • SharePoint Hosted Apps
    • Provider Hosted Apps
    • OAuth 2.0
    • App Permissions
    • App-Only Permissions
  • ShareCoffee
    • Background
    • Features
    • Browser compatibility
    • Development Stack
    • Bugs / Feature Requests
  • Getting Started
    • Package Managers
    • Hello ShareCoffee
  • ShareCoffee.Commons
    • Commons.getAppWebUrl()
    • Commons.getHostWebUrl()
    • Commons.getApiRootUrl()
    • Commons.getFormDigest()
    • Commons.getQueryString()
    • Commons.getQueryStringParameter()
    • Commons.infect()
    • Commons.infect(htmlElement)
    • Use $s to save even more keystrokes
  • ShareCoffee.UI
    • SharePoint App-Chrome-Bar
    • SharePoint Notifications
    • SharePoint Status messages
  • ShareCoffee.CSOM
    • CSOM.getHostWeb()
  • ShareCoffee.REST
    • Getting Started with ShareCoffee’s REST API
    • The fluent API
    • Providing REST Properties
    • Using ShareCoffee.REST for HostWeb Access
    • JSONLight support in Office365
  • ShareCoffee.CrossDomain
    • CrossDomain REST
    • CrossDomain CSOM
    • Requesting the CSOM ClientContext
    • Accessing the HostWeb using CSOM in CrossDomain
  • ShareCoffee AddOns
  • ShareCoffee.Search
    • Executing Search Queries
    • Executing Post Queries (with CrossDomain)
    • Executing a Suggest Query
  • ShareCoffee.UserProfiles
    • Receiving current users Properties
    • Reading User Properties
    • Reading an UserProfile Property
    • Updating ProfilePicture
  • Build your own AddOn
    • AddOn Development Stack
    • Installing Yeoman and the Add-On Generator
    • The MyFirstAddOn AddOn
  • Exercises
  • Let’s build a SearchCenter App
    • Install dependencies
    • App Permissions
    • The User Interface (UI)
    • The Script
    • The Styling
    • Run the App
    • Download the Source
  • AngularJS for SharePoint Apps
    • AngularJS building blocks
    • AngularJS and ShareCoffee
  • Let’s build a TaskManagement App (AppWeb)
    • Creating the Task List
    • Coding the App
  • Let’s build a TaskManagement App (HostWeb)
    • App Permission
    • Coding the App
    • Download the Source

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