Building Secure Automotive IoT Applications
Building Secure Automotive IoT Applications
Developing robust IoT solutions for next-gen automotive software
About the Book
Software-defined vehicles, equipped with extensive computing power and connectivity, are unlocking new possibilities in automotive Internet of Things (IoT) applications, creating a critical need for skilled software engineers to lead innovation in the automotive sector. This book equips you to thrive in this industry by learning automotive IoT software development.
The book starts by examining the current trends in automotive technology, highlighting IoT applications and key vehicle architectures, including the AUTOSAR platform. It delves into both classic and service-oriented vehicle diagnostics before covering robust security practices for automotive IoT development. You’ll learn how to adhere to industry standards such as ISO/SAE 21434, ASPICE for cybersecurity, and DevSecOps principles, with practical guidance on establishing a secure software development platform. Advancing to the system design of an automotive IoT application, you’ll be guided through the development of a remote vehicle diagnostics application and progress through chapters step by step, addressing the critical aspects of deploying and maintaining IoT applications in production environments.
By the end of the book, you’ll be ready to integrate all the concepts you’ve learned to form a comprehensive framework of processes and best practices for embedded automotive development.
Table of Contents
- Automotive Technology Trends
- Introducing Automotive IoT Use Cases
- Vehicle Architecture and Framework
- Vehicle Diagnostics
- Next Wave of Vehicle Diagnostics
- Exploring Secure Development Processes for Automotive IoT
- Establishing a Secure Software Development Platform
- Securing the Software Supply Chain
- System Design of an Automotive IoT Application
- Developing an Automotive IoT Application
- Deploying and Maintaining an Automotive IoT Application
- Processes and Practices
- Embedded Automotive IoT Development
- Final Thoughts
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