Building your own authentication library with Trailblazer
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Building your own authentication library with Trailblazer

About the Book

A beginner's guide taking you by the hand and walking you through Trailblazer's beautiful operation layer. While building a Ruby authentication library similar to Devise you are going to learn organizing and structuring business code, how operations help concentrating on what needs to be done, not when, and how Trailblazer's components can be connected to build full-blown web applications within Rails.

VERY IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: This book has learnt from the mistakes in the old book and follows a strict no-gossip policy. It was hard, yet not unmakeable, to limit word flow to a minimum. The first diagram is on page 3, the first code snippet you will find on page 7.

It is suitable for all levels of Ruby developers, from a beginner trying to find their ways to experienced Trailblazer engineers trying to find better ways.


In part I of the book, we solely focus on business code. No rendering, no HTTP, it's pure software design where we implement authentication functions like Create account and workflows such as Reset password or Verify account. We do this with a strong focus on testing and have several refactorings happening along the way. By the end of this part you will know all patterns and tools necessary to build applications with Trailblazer.

Part II implements the frontend and discusses how view components from the Cells gem help with rendering UIs and why the Reform gem can be your best friend (or your worst enemy!) when dealing with forms. The part also covers a new abstraction endpoint from the Trailblazer framework, designed to manage non-business code that would usually sit in controllers.

Part III and IV will be a separate book, covering how to extract and gemify the actual Ruby library and how Trailblazer's new workflows make long-running flow control even simpler.

About the Author

Nick Sutterer
Nick Sutterer

Nick loves working on open-source frameworks, and that's what he does almost every day. He also loves people, surfing, beer, skateboarding and loud music. Make sure to hug him should you ever meet him in person.

Table of Contents

  • A Brief Introduction
    • Another layer of unnecessary abstractions
    • Operation - the heart of Trailblazer
  • Operation Basics
    • What is an operation?
    • Debugging with #wtf?
    • Railway Basics
    • Wrap up
  • Create Account
    • Password hashing
    • Persisting data
    • Uniqueness validations
    • Exceptions and flow control
    • Account verification
    • Using dependency injection
    • Sending emails
  • Verify Account
    • Operations and controllers
    • Delegation
    • Avoiding timing-attacks
    • Operation tests
  • Reset Password
    • The operation
    • Testing is fun
    • Nested operations
    • Variable Mapping
  • Changing the password
    • Extracting the token check
    • Checking password reset tokens
    • Update password
    • Fast-track wiring
    • Signing In
    • Wrap up
  • Notes

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