Bootstrap for .NET Devs
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Bootstrap for .NET Devs

About the Book

Stop Wasting Your Time learning Bootstrap 4 with incomplete and confusing tutorials

There are so many out-of-date and confusing Bootstrap articles, and they always leave out the information you want. Almost none of them address what you need: Bootstrap 4 guides for a .NET environment. Stop piecing together a dozen different blog posts and get things done, today

Ready To Master Bootstrap 4?

What if you could dominate the world’s most popular front-end component library in less time with less frustration? You’ll get your work done faster and better.

Out of the box, Visual Studio comes bundled only with Bootstrap 3. But you’re ready to move forward and update the latest and greatest.

Stop wasting your time on Google, and experience the one guide to bring everything .NET and Bootstrap 4 together.

What Will I Learn?

  • How to set up your .NET Environment correctly, the first time
  • Upgrading from Bootstrap 3 to Bootstrap 4
  • Ensure that you can always keep Bootstrap up-to-date
  • How to fix all those ugly forms
  • Integrate Bootstrap Forms with .NET Form validation
  • Dynamic pagination
  • How to master Bootstrap Modal popups

Complete Code for Every Chapter

You’ll get the complete code for each section of the book. Never feel confused again by incomplete Bootstrap 4 code samples.

About the Author

Matthew Sinex
Matthew Sinex

I am a professional full-stack web developer with experience in ASP.NET technologies, including C#, MVC, and MS SQL. I’ve got all the other standard web tools rattling around in my brain: HTML5, CSS, JavaScript. I’ve used React, Vue, and a few other front-end frameworks as well. I believe in using the right tools for the right job, not just using the "shiny" tools because they’re new.

Programming has been a passion of mine since I was a young child. The first programs I made came out of the pages of Boy’s Life and were input in the clacky keys of our family’s Commodore 64. Fun times. This passion continued into my teens and college days. After taking a years-long detour into an unrelated field, I went back to school and achieved my dream of becoming a programmer.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
    • What You’ll Learn
    • What You Won’t Learn
    • MVC 5 and .NET Core
    • Source Code
  • Setting up Your Application
    • MVC 5
    • .NET Core
    • Upgrading Bootstrap 3 to Bootstrap 4
    • Changing the Application Layout
    • Adding the Style Render Section
    • .NET Core Environments in Site Layout
    • Removing the Default styles
  • Basic Entity Modeling
    • Creating a Model
    • MVC 5
    • .NET Core
    • Running Database Migrations
    • MVC 5
    • .NET Core
    • Checking the Index View
  • Simple Bootstrap Forms
    • Form Core Structure
  • Advanced Bootstrap Form Elements
    • Text
    • Date
    • Single Checkbox
    • Textarea
    • Radio Button
    • Number
    • Range
    • Tel
    • Finishing Up the Form
    • Adding the Edit, Details, and Delete Views
  • Adding View Models
    • Creating the View Model
    • Updating the Controller / Razor Page
    • Updating the Index View
    • AutoMapper
    • Is AutoMapper Worth it?
  • Bootstrap Modal with AJAX Content
    • Adding a Basic Bootstrap 4 Modal
    • Creating a Web API to Serve AJAX Content
    • Bootstrap Modal with AJAX Content
    • Bootstrap Modal with Edit Capabilities
    • Bootstrap Modal Form validation
  • Bootstrap Dynamic Pagination
    • When to Use Pagination
    • Seeding Data
    • Paginating Table Data
    • Non-Paginated List without a Table
    • Bootstrap Pagination
    • Razor Page
    • More to come!
  • Appendix A: Source Code

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