Black Swan Ghosts
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Black Swan Ghosts

A sociologist encounters witnesses to unexplained aerial craft, their occupants, and other elements of the multiverse

About the Book

What happens when you come into contact with a controversial topic that it can destroy your career?

People worldwide have been having contact and sightings of unexplained craft for decades. I didn't have much experience of this phenomenon until 1996, when I became involved with Remote Viewing, the ability of ordinary people to accurately describe non-local people, places, and events without using their physical senses. These protocols were the outcome of a highly classified government program that was made public in 1995.

Little did I know at the time that I would come in contact with witnesses of unidentified vehicles and other hard-to-understand phenomena. Black Swan Ghosts is a follow-up to my first book, Opening Minds: a journey of extraordinary encounters, crop circles, and resonance, and examines why we as a society are so reluctant to talk about this fascinating and strange subject area.

Includes testimony and stories from first-hand witnesses to UAP phenomena, including a former Aerospace engineer, remote viewer for the government's classified Stargate program, a retired NASA scientist, a retired Air Force pilot, and many more! Purchasers of this ebook will get "special access" to member's-only content, including exclusive, never-before-seen interviews with some of the witnesses in the book.

Includes new witness accounts of:

  • a hostile encounter between U.S. Air Force jets with a strange object over Lake Superior in the 1960's
  • B-52's during Cold War get scanned by anomalous objects from space near the Soviet border
  • former government remote viewer recounts physical contact with an alien control panel and subsequent interviews by intelligence agents
  • campers on Silbury Hill, U.K. witness strange luminous objects hovering with a secondary sighting by supporting witness
  • NASA scientist shows evidence of meteoric extraterrestrial fossils, suppressed Skylab UFO photos, and first-hand account of accidental near-launch of Soviet nuclear missiles caused by huge unidentified disc
  • woman and friend have car stall and experience missing time near Mt. St. Helens
  • man and friend see flying disc and its occupant land at night and then get mysterious phone calls
  • and much, much more!

About the Author

Simeon Hein
Simeon Hein, PhD

It’s Dr. Simeon Hein here and I want to thank you for visiting my book age. I thought you would be curious to know something about me. I’ve taught statistics to university undergrads and have a Ph. D. in sociology with an emphasis on how we humans interact with technology. I started my own research and teaching company, the Mount Baldy Institute in 1996, to give people the opportunity to learn resonant viewing, a type of intuitive training that taps into our creative unconscious intelligence.

I also study crop circles and take people on crop circle tours. You can watch some of my lectures about crop circles. Download some of my research papers for free. I also play guitar and write music: You can listen to and download my music here. I’ve written other books including Opening Minds: A Journey of Extraordinary Encounters, Crop Circles, and Resonance, and more recently, Planetary Intelligence: 101 Easy Steps to Energy, Well Being, and Natural Insight.

Please feel free to contact me about anything!

Reader Testimonials


Life coach and certified master hypnotherapist, Salt Lake City

I read your book in one sitting last night, I couldn't stop it was so good. I love it!!! Your book is riveting. Not only does it discuss valid proof of the UFO or UAV phenomenon but how the systematic denial of such proof is eroding our individual psyches and social values. You ask the important questions and discuss the implications of our collective denial of the truth. Thank you.

Colin Andrews
Colin Andrews

Researcher and author

I couldn't put it down. Excellent material.

Table of Contents

    • 1:Preface
    • 2:Introduction
      • 2.1:Social danger zones
      • 2.2:Flatland
    • 3:Chapter One—-The Robertson Panel
    • 4:Chapter Two—-The Citizen Hearing: “Embedded in a shell of silence”
      • 4.1:Rendlesham Forest witness suffers injury from exposure to obsidian colored, triangular craft
      • 4.2:Japan Airlines flight 1628 encounters walnut-shaped object the size of an aircraft carrier
      • 4.3:Unexplained glowing aerial objects disable ICBMs
    • 5:Chapter Three—-My Childhood Encounter with an Unexplained Aerial Craft
      • 5.1:Witnesses at Farsight
      • 5.2:Brilliant blue object
      • 5.3:Triangle over Laughlin, NV
      • 5.4:Yet another flying triangle
    • 6:Chapter Four—-The Idea of Locality in Modern Science
    • 7:Chapter Five—-Black Swan Ghosts
      • 7.1:Social blindness
      • 7.2:The Boulder Flood of 2013
      • 7.3:The day after Disclosure
      • 7.4:Fall of the Berlin Wall
    • 8:Chapter Six—-Conspiracies of Silence
      • 8.1:The structure of secrecy
    • 9:Chapter Seven—-Peter: Sighting of Object and Humanoid, Strange Phone Call, and Mysterious UFO Organization
    • 10:Chapter Eight—-Louise: Huckleberries, Flying Disc, and US Military Response
    • 11:Chapter Nine—-Joy French: Vehicle Stalls, Strange Luminosity, Missing Time with Friend
    • 12:Chapter Ten—-Retired UK Police Officer Sees Extremely Bright Object and “Spaceman”
    • 13:Chapter Eleven—-Franco and the Glowing Disc over Wonderland Lake
    • 14:Chapter Twelve—-Cold Fusion: “Junk Science” or Breakthrough Energy Technology?
    • 15:Chapter Thirteen—Paul and Sonya’s Terrifying Encounter with Glowing Humanoids over Silbury Hill
      • 15.1:Silbury Hill area as ET portal
    • 16:Chapter Fourteen—-The Costs of Denial
    • 17:Chapter Fifteen—-Lyn Buchanan and the Extraterrestrial Control Panel
    • 18:Chapter Sixteen—-Woman and Mother See Hudson Valley Triangle
    • 19:Chapter Seventeen—-Dr. Richard Hoover: NASA’s Extraterrestrial Fossils; Skylab Photos; Disc Causes Soviet Missile Launch Sequence Initiation
      • 19.1:Skylab incident and subsequent photo cover-up
      • 19.2:Missile launch sequence initiated by flying disc
    • 20:Chapter Eighteen—-Pilot’s Sighting During Radar Exercise; B-52 Incident over Soviet Border During Cold War
      • 20.1:Unidentified crafts from space disrupt B-52 convoy during Six-Day War
    • 21:Chapter Nineteen—-Aerospace Engineer is Asked to Reverse Engineer Unidentified Nanomaterials
    • 22:Chapter Twenty—-Jan: Father Flew Roswell Wreckage to Wright Field
    • 23:Chapter Twenty-One—-John: Daylight Sighting of Bronze Disc; Attempted Shoot Down of “Off-World Craft” Over Lake Superior
      • 23.1:Incident over Lake Superior
    • 24:Chapter Twenty-Two—-Teri: Aerial Object Leaves Burn Marks on Ground; Kindergarten “Secret School”
      • 24.1:Secret school
    • 25:Chapter Twenty-Three—-Betsy and the Flying Disc with Military Jets in Pursuit
    • 26:Chapter Twenty-Four—-The Price of Silence
      • 26.1:Opening Pandora’s Box
      • 26.2:Cultural Lag and Future Shock
    • 27:Chapter Twenty-Five—-Our Multidimensional Universe
    • 28:Chapter Twenty-Six—-You Can Hear a Pin Drop
    • 29:Website
    • 30:Bibliography
    • 31:About the Author

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