Beginning Git Version Control
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Beginning Git Version Control

Essential tips & tricks you need to get Git up and running.

About the Book

In this book, we will go through the basic concept of Git version control.

Git is getting more and more powerful. It means more and more commands for us to control every little detail of code changes. That’s good. But as a new learner, I trim the content to provide only the essential concepts and the best practices.

For example, I recommend `git fetch` + `git merge` always instead of `git pull`. You’ll learn all these commands in elsewhere, but in this book, I tell the _why_ and their pros and cons. (In chapter 5)

About the Author


Makzan has trained award-winning students in the past 10 years. His students won several medals of high-standard international competitions, including a gold medal in a 4-day WorldSkills Web Design and Development competition. 

He has written 5 books and 2 video course on building a multiplayers virtual world, creating games with HTML5 and web development with latest web standards.

Table of Contents

  • Beginning Git Version Control
  • Introduction
    • Why this git book?
    • About Author
    • Book Status
    • Version history:
  • Book reference
  • Beginning of the story
    • Why Git?
  • Chapter 1: Basic Command
    • Install and Config
    • Setting up filename for unicode
    • Init and First Commit
    • Writing git commit message
    • Current Changes Status
    • Commit log
    • Migrate from SVN
  • Chapter 2: Behind the Scheme
    • The .git folder
    • The different stages of changes tracking
    • Snapshots links
  • Chapter 3: Essential Techniques
    • Git add interactive
    • Check out specific commit
    • Creating branch
    • git merge
    • Git diff
    • Maintaining a clean commit history
    • Daily Workflow
    • Git Alias Configuration
    • Ignoring files with .gitignore
    • Git tracks files, not folder
  • Chapter 4: Flow Control
    • Git flow
    • Hierarchy
    • Hot fix branch
    • Feature development branch
    • Stable deployment branch
    • Git Merge with –no-ff
  • Chapter 5: Remote and Collaboration
    • Different roles in Git team
    • Creating a remote repository
    • Adding remote branch
    • git clone
    • Git push
    • Deleting a remote branch
    • Git pull and git fetch
    • git and Github
    • Using a Github remote branch
  • Chapter 6: Conflicts
    • How does conflict exist
    • Resolve Conflicts
  • Chapter 7: Undo Changes
    • Undo a hard reset with reference log
    • Stash working directory
    • Git reset
    • Amend last commit message
    • Revert changes from remote
    • Undoing Merges
    • Group commits into 1 commit with git reset
    • Git Revert
  • Chapter 8: Rebase and Cherry Pick
    • Rebase Example
    • Git pull with rebase
    • Fast-forward with Rebase
    • Cherry Pick

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