Beginning Core Data with RubyMotion
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Beginning Core Data with RubyMotion

About the Book

Core Data programming is hard. Apple warn as much in their document Core Data Core Competencies, "Important: Core Data is an advanced technology that is not required for creating simple applications". That doesn't sound so severe perhaps but it does contrast greatly with the rest of the developer documentation that seems to suggest that iOS/OSX programming is made easy by all the frameworks and widgets ready for us to customise and use in our applications.

Compared to many other Apple frameworks, Core Data seems to be considerably less developer-friendly. Compare it then to the elegance of the RubyMotion framework and the constrast becomes more stark. How are we to define our models, relationships and migrations without the tools that Xcode provides?

In this book we set out exactly how you can create Core Data-powered apps using RubyMotion that are ready for the app store, including preparing for the future by learning the ins and outs of schema and data migrations. Below is an outline of the topics we cover:

  • An Overview of the Core Data architecture
  • Setting up the Core Data stack in RubyMotion
  • Modelling your data without Xcode
  • Managing Schema Migrations
  • Handling Data (Heavyweight) Migrations
  • Adding undo/redo Management to your app
  • Tips to get unstuck when faced with common Core Data issues

All sample code is available on GitHub.

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About the Author

Stefan Magnuson, PhD
Stefan Magnuson, PhD

Computer scientist and software developer by trade, I've worked on systems ranging from the very small (embedded) to the reasonably large (high-throughput data processing for mobile networks), published papers on Evolutionary Neural Networks and am actively involved in the world of web startups in both the UK and Japan. I have three apps in the iOS app store and am interested in the potential for RubyMotion to make future app development easier, faster and more enjoyable for all of us.

Table of Contents

  • 1. Introduction
    • Core Data
    • RubyMotion
    • Core Data & RubyMotion
    • Technical Notes and Bugs
    • Structure of this Book
  • 2. Diving into Core Data
    • App Structure
    • The Core Data Stack
    • Setting up our Entities
    • Setting up the Stack
    • Creating, Reading, Updating and Deleting Records
    • Searching and Sorting
    • Wrapping Up
  • 3. Core Data Models Without Xcode
    • Getting Started
    • Defining a Model
    • A First Migration
    • Second Migration: Adding a Related Model
    • Testing Both Migrations Together
    • Saving and Retrieving Records
    • Wrapping Up
  • 4. Core Data Query
    • Getting Started
    • Migrations
    • Displaying our Tasks
    • Adding a Relationship
    • Performing Aggregate Queries
  • 5. Case Study: Core Data Books
    • The Model
    • The Core Data Stack
    • The Root View Controller
    • Responding to Changes
    • Implementing the Detail View Controller
    • Adding New Books
    • Adding Undo and Redo Capabilities
    • Wrapping Up
  • 6. Data Migrations
    • Overview
    • Getting Started
    • Setting up the Migration Process
    • The First Schema Migration
    • The Data Migration
    • The Final Schema Migration
    • Wrapping Up
  • 7. Tips & Troubleshooting
    • Debugging Core Data
    • Interacting With Views in the Console
    • Uninitialized constant NSSQLiteStoreType
    • Undefined method `viewWillAppear’
    • Other Errors and Crashes

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