Before You Speak
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Before You Speak

An Essential Guide on Conference Speaking

About the Book

What will you get out of this book? I will give you advice on everything you need to do before you walk on to that stage as a conference speaker. 

It starts with identifying your intentions and building brand recognition. The next step is to identify the kind of conferences you would like to speak at and then submit a proposal to speak. If conference committees accept your submission, they would often wish to interview you. How do you ensure your speaking proposal and interview is a success? What are the conference organizers and delegates looking for? And what are you to do when your submission is not successful? 

What are all the crucial aspects to keep in mind if you are successful? Think about travel arrangements, visa applications, expenses, and hotel arrangements. Or even if it is a virtual event, what do you need to remember? Think about timezone differences, the conference program, the virtual platform, sound, light, and posture. Once you get momentum and had your first successful conference presentation, how do you build on that success to receive more invites in the future?

I will help you take the right steps to ensure you become a recognized speaker in your field of interest, build your brand and network, and increase your prospects of future employment.

About the Author

Johan Steyn
Johan Steyn

Johan Steyn is a technologist and management consultant. Over the last two decades, he was involved in the fields of computer hardware distribution, software development and mobile phone technology. He held senior roles in global consulting firms.


He is an Artificial Intelligence enthusiast and speaks globally at conferences on the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Emerging Technologies. 2019 award winner Best AI & Robotics Management Consultant by Wealth & Finance magazine. 


He is a published author who regularly contributes articles on thought-leadership to well-known publications. He is the Chair of the Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics with the IITPSA (Institute of Information Technology Professionals of South Africa).

His website:

Table of Contents

  • Introduction: Why this book?
  • 1. Conference speaking is for everyone
  • 2. A brave new world: The pandemic & new opportunities
  • 3. What do you have to say: How to get others to listen?
  • 4. Your Brand: What do you want to be known for?
  • 5. Building your brand perception
  • 6. Launching out: Aiming for your first conference
  • 7. Your proposal: Applying to speak at a conference
  • 8. Receiving feedback: What if your proposal is declined?
  • 9. The maturity of event organizers
  • 10. Pitfalls to avoid
  • 11. In-person events: Important considerations
  • 12. Virtual events: Important considerations
  • 13. Other vital things to keep in mind
  • Conclusion
  • About the author

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