Web Development Foundations
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Web Development Foundations

About the Bundle

What is web development? A huge field consisting of a great number of technologies, tools, and processes. What is at the core of web development? HTML and CSS. The “Web Development Foundations” bundle includes perhaps the largest web development glossary there is, The Web Development Glossary, a brief collection of real-world HTML snippets to be analyzed and improved, Upgrade Your HTML, and an introduction into the craft of CSS and its optimization, CSS Optimization Basics, all by ex-Googler and O’Reilly author Jens Oliver Meiert (meiert.com).

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    • Reference
    • Software Engineering
    • Web Development
    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JavaScript
    • Technical Communication
    • Computer Science

About the Books

The Web Development Glossary

More Than 2,000 Key Terms for Developers
  • 211


  • 340


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The Web Development Glossary is probably the largest of its kind. With more than 2,000 terms and explanations it acquaints and reunites you with the major standards and concepts of the Web, with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, accessibility, security, performance, code quality, internationalization, localization, editors and tooling and more.

The glossary then goes beyond web development, touching on computer science, design, typography, usability and user experience, information as well as project management, other disciplines of interest and relevance to the modern developer. It goes beyond, inspiring the curiosity to learn more about the Web and the people creating and using it. And still it is a glossary, of a couple of thousand terms for developers, leaning on (and giving back to) Wikipedia and the MDN Web Docs.

→ This is the book if you choose to extend and validate your web and software development knowledge.

CSS Optimization Basics

  • 1,800


  • 42


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Are you unsure about your style sheets’ quality, or whether you’ve maxed out your options? CSS Optimization Basics covers the necessary mindsets, discusses the main optimization methods, and presents useful resources to write higher-quality CSS.

→ This is the book if you care about the craft of writing CSS, and enjoy optimizing style sheets.

(This book’s regular price is $4.99. Leanpub has a minimum price of $7.99. To offset the difference, 40% of the price of each book is being donated to Code Club, and bundles are heavily discounted, too. Thanks for your understanding and support!)

Upgrade Your HTML

10 Examples to Improve Your Markup
  • 458


  • 27


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HTML is super-popular. Everyone can write HTML. Or can they? In the spirit that everything can be tweaked and optimized, Upgrade Your HTML is a first light book in a playful series to review and improve real-life examples of HTML.

Not shyly but always constructively does Jens Oliver Meiert, someone who has written a lot of HTML and who makes his own life difficult so that he can write even more HTML, go through ten samples to ponder and upgrade the respective markup.

If you’re a web developer you know HTML. Check out and follow Upgrade Your HTML to nod (or shake your head) exploring old and new problems surrounding uses of the beloved HyperText Markup Language.

→ This is the book if you enjoy the intricacies of working with HTML.

(This book’s regular price is $4.99. Leanpub has a minimum price of $7.99. To offset the difference, 40% of the price of each book is being donated to Code Club, and bundles are heavily discounted, too. Thanks for your understanding and support!)

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