SnowPro Specialty Certifications: Exam Practice Tests
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SnowPro Specialty Certifications: Exam Practice Tests

About the Bundle

In Oct 2024 Snowflake launched a new category of advanced certifications, called SnowPro Specialty Certifications. These are the only practice tests published today anywhere for the two new beta certification exams. Get them here together for a special price.

Each book contains TWO high-quality practice tests of 50 questions each, to help you become certified as a Snowflake SnowPro Specialist, passing the new online proctored certification exams.

  • All questions are closely emulated from those currently found in the actual exams, so you'll not waste time on anything else.
  • All questions are curated and very similar to the actual exam questions.
  • Unlike the real exam, you'll know right away what questions you missed, and what the correct answers are.
  • Detailed explanations with external references for any possible choice, in each practice test question.
  • Quiz question types are mostly multi-choice and multi-select.
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About the Books

SnowPro Snowpark Specialist

Exam Practice Tests
    • PDF

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    • English

    This contains two high-quality practice tests of 50 questions each, to help you become certified as a SnowPro Snowpark Specialist, passing the new online proctored certification exam.

    • All questions are closely emulated from those currently found in the actual exam, so you'll not waste time on anything else.
    • All questions are curated and very similar to the actual exam questions, which are long and scenario-based for the most part.
    • Most exam questions include long portions of code, as this certification is targeted in particular for Python developers.
    • Unlike the real exam, you'll know right away what questions you missed, and what the correct answers are.
    • Detailed explanations with external references for any possible choice, in each practice test question.
    • Quiz question types are mostly multi-choice and multi-select.

    Who these practice exams are for

    • People trying to pass the new SnowPro Snowpark Specialist certification exam issued recently by Snowflake.
    • Snowflake experts trying to improve their programming skills learning Snowpark.
    • Python developers willing to acquire a certification in Snowflake AI Data Cloud programming.
    • Data Engineers and AI or ML Engineers.
    • Data Scientists and Data Application Developers.
    • Data Analysts with some Python and SQL programming experience.

    This is not an introduction to Snowflake, as you should already have some rather advanced knowledge on this platform. Passing the SnowPro Core certification exam is also a requirement for this advanced specialty exam.

    My name is Cristian Scutaru and I’m a world-class expert in Snowflake, SnowPro SME (Subject Matter Expert) and former Snowflake Data Superhero. For several years, I helped Snowflake create many of the exam questions out there. Many of the Advanced exam questions and answers from the SnowPro exams have been indeed created by me.

    I passed over the years 5 out of the 6 SnowPro exams myself, all from the first attempt. In the last 3-4 years alone, I passed over 40 paid proctored certification exams overall. And I still never failed one, I was lucky so far.

    SnowPro Native Apps Specialist

    Exam Practice Tests
      • PDF

      • EPUB

      • English

      This contains TWO high-quality practice tests of 50 questions each, to help you become certified as a SnowPro Native Apps Specialist, passing the new online proctored certification exam.

      • Most questions are closely emulated from those found in the actual exam.
      • Unlike the real exam, you'll know right away what questions you missed, and what the correct answers are.
      • Detailed explanations with external references for any possible choice, in each practice test question.
      • Quiz question types are mostly multi-choice and multi-select.

      Who these practice exams are for

      • People trying to pass the new SnowPro Native Apps Specialist certification exam issued recently by Snowflake.
      • Data Application Developers and Snowflake experts trying to improve their programming skills.
      • Program Managers and Data Architects looking to design and monetize applications in the Snowflake Marketplace.
      • Streamlit fans moving from Streamlit in Snowflake (SiS) Apps to the more complex Snowflake Native Apps.
      • Data Engineers and Data Scientists looking to train ML models in containerized applications using big data.
      • Python developers willing to acquire yet another certification, in Snowflake AI Data Cloud programming.

      This is not an introduction to Snowflake, as you should already have some rather advanced knowledge on this platform. Passing the SnowPro Core certification exam is also a requirement for this advanced specialty exam.

      My name is Cristian Scutaru and I’m a world-class expert in Snowflake, SnowPro SME (Subject Matter Expert) and former Snowflake Data Superhero. For several years, I helped Snowflake create many of the exam questions out there. Many of the Advanced exam questions and answers from the SnowPro exams have been indeed created by me.

      I passed over the years 5 out of the 6 SnowPro exams myself, all from the first attempt. In the last 3-4 years alone, I passed over 40 paid proctored certification exams overall. And I still never failed one, I was lucky so far.

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