Python & SQL BootCamp Bundle
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Python & SQL BootCamp Bundle

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    • SQL Server
    • PostgreSQL
    • Databases
    • MySQL
    • APIs
    • Python
    • Networking
    • Distributed Systems

About the Books

SQL 101 Crash Course

Comprehensive Guide to SQL Fundamentals and Practical Applications
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SQL 101 Crash Course is a comprehensive beginner's guide that takes you through the world of SQL, right from understanding databases to mastering complex queries. This book is designed to provide you with a solid foundation in SQL, along with practical examples and real-world scenarios to reinforce your learning.

In this book, you'll explore the key concepts of databases and their structure while getting started with SQLite Studio, a versatile SQL tool. You'll dive deep into the fundamentals of SQL queries, turning raw data into meaningful information, and working with tables, multiple tables, and their relationships.

You'll also learn how to harness the power of SQL functions and subqueries to optimize your queries and retrieve data more efficiently. As you progress, you'll delve into the world of views, joins, and advanced SQL topics such as transactions, stored procedures, and performance tuning. The book concludes with two sample databases, where you'll put your newfound knowledge to the test and gain hands-on experience.

This book promises a smooth learning journey for aspiring SQL developers, enabling them to build robust and efficient databases. The book's step-by-step approach ensures that even complete beginners can grasp complex concepts with ease. By the end of this book, you'll emerge as a smart SQL developer, equipped with the skills and knowledge to tackle real-world database challenges.

Key Learnings

  • Master SQL fundamentals and best practices.
  • Learn to create, modify, and optimize tables.
  • Understand and implement table relationships.
  • Execute complex queries with ease and confidence.
  • Leverage SQL functions for powerful data manipulation.
  • Utilize subqueries and derived tables effectively.
  • Create and manage views for enhanced data access.
  • Apply advanced SQL techniques for optimized performance.
  • Hands-on experience with real-world sample databases.
  • Begin your journey as a skilled SQL developer.

Table of Content

  1. Introduction to Databases and SQL
  2. Setting Up Your SQL Environment
  3. SQL Queries Basics
  4. Turning Data into Information
  5. Working with Tables
  6. Multiple Tables and Joins
  7. SQL Functions
  8. Subqueries and Derived Tables
  9. Views and Materialized Views
  10. Advanced SQL Topics
  11. Sample Programs & Executing SQL


This book requires no prior knowledge to get started, making it an ideal read for those looking to pursue careers in database administration, business analytics, or business intelligence. Its accessibility ensures that an unwavering passion for learning SQL is all you need to effortlessly progress through the book's content.

Python Networking 101

Navigating essentials of networking, socket programming, AsyncIO, network testing, simulations and Ansible
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Python Networking 101 is the ultimate guide for aspiring network administrators looking to build their network management and automation skills using Python. With a comprehensive and hands-on approach, this book covers the most important aspects of networking, including network fundamentals, network automation, monitoring, security, topology, and testing.

The book begins with an overview of the Python language and its libraries used for networking tasks. Each chapter then focuses on a specific networking task, providing readers with a deep understanding of the topic and practical demonstrations using Python libraries. By the end of each chapter, readers will be well-versed in the execution and implementation of these tasks.

Throughout the book, readers will learn about the best Python libraries network administrators prefer, including Netmiko, Paramiko, SNMP, Flask, AsyncIO, and more. Practical examples and exercises will help them gain hands-on experience working with these libraries to achieve various networking objectives. The book also discusses advanced network automation techniques, providing insights into network automation frameworks, such as Ansible, and how to build custom network automation solutions using Python.

By the end of the book, readers will be equipped with the knowledge to integrate Python with network management tools, making them efficient and effective network administrators.

Key Learnings

  • Master Python language and its networking libraries for network administration tasks.
  • Monitor and analyze network performance and troubleshoot issues effectively.
  • Enhance network security using Python libraries and best practices.
  • Get well-versed with Netmiko, Paramiko, Socket, PySNMP, AsyncIO, and SimPy.
  • Develop custom network services and interact with RESTful APIs using Python.
  • Improve performance with asynchronous programming using AsyncIO in network applications.
  • Get hands-on with Ansible to create playbooks and perform every possible network automation.
  • Perform network testing and simulation, and analyze results for optimized performance.
  • Manage and automate network configuration changes and ensure compliance.
  • Leverage advanced network automation techniques and frameworks for efficient administration.

Table of Content

  1. Introduction to Python and Networking Libraries
  2. TCP, UDP and Socket Programming
  3. Working with Application Layer
  4. Exploring Network Automation
  5. Network Monitoring and Analysis
  6. Network Security and Python
  7. Working with APIs and Network Services
  8. Network Programming with AsyncIO
  9. Network Testing and Simulation
  10. Network Configuration Management
  11. Ansible and Python


"Python Networking 101" is designed to provide readers with the skills required to excel as a network administrators. The practical approach, coupled with real-world examples, ensures readers can implement the techniques learned in their professional careers. Knowing Python and the basics of computer networks is sufficient, to begin with this book.

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