Java Spring Boot Interview + Certification Bundle
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Java Spring Boot Interview + Certification Bundle

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Grokking the Spring Boot Interview

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    Java Interviews are notoriously tough, not because they ask impossible algorithmic questions like Google or Amazon. Still, because of the vast nature of Java API, Frameworks, and Libraries. ! It’s not enough for you to know Java and expect that you will be able to clear Java Interviews.

    To pass the Java Interviews, you should also know essential Java frameworks like Spring, Spring Boot, and Hibernate. In my previous book, Grokking the Java Interview, I touched upon essential core Java topics like Collections, Multithreading, and Java Fundamentals. In this book, I have shared common Spring Framework questions from Job interviews.

    Spring Framework is the most popular and almost standard framework for developing Java applications, both core java and java web application that runs on servers like Tomcat.

    Like Java, Spring Framework is also very vast. Several sub-projects like Containers, Core Spring Concepts like IoC and Dependency Injection, Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA, Testing, and miscellaneous Spring APIs.

    This book contains frequently asked questions from essential Spring topics like

    1. Container, Dependency, and IOC

    2. Spring Bean Lifecycle

    3. Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP)

    4. Spring MVC

    5. Spring Boot Intro

    6. Spring Boot Auto Configuration

    7. Spring Boot Starter Dependency

    8. Spring Boot Actuator

    9. Spring Boot CLI

    10. Spring Boot Testing

    11. Spring Cloud Questions

    12. Spring Data JPA

    13. Spring Security

    These questions are also a compilation of my best Spring Boot articles that millions of Java developers have read. It is also my 10 years of experience writing Java and Spring articles, tutorials, and interview questions.

    If you are preparing for Java and Spring Boot interviews, then I highly recommend you to go through these Spring Boot and Spring questions before your telephonic or face-to-face interviews; you will not only gain confidence and knowledge to answer the question but also learn how to drive Java interview in your favor.

    This book is also useful for Java developers preparing for the Spring Professional Certification Exam because I have tried to answer most of the questions from the Official Spring Certification Exam guide. This means you can use this as a review study guide for your spring certification preparation as well.

    All the best for the Java interview, and if you have any questions or feedback, you can always contact me on Twitter, javinpaul, or comment on my blogs, Javarevisited and Java67.

    250+ Spring Framework Practice Questions

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      If you are preparing for Spring Professional certification, a Java interview with Spring Boot skills, or just want to test your Spring Framework skills, then these Practice questions are perfect for you. There are 250+ Questions on different spring topics, which will test your in-depth knowledge.

      Spring Certification is an in-demand certification for Java developers as there are few certified Spring professionals available. It has become even tougher and costlier because of mandatory training requirements introduced by Vmware.

      Similarly, to pass the Java Interviews, you should also know essential Java frameworks like Spring, Spring Boot, and Hibernate. In my book, Grokking the Java Interview, I touched upon essential core Java topics like Collections, Multithreading, and Java Fundamentals.

      In this book, I have shared common Spring Framework Practice questions for Spring Professional Exam, but you can also use this to improve your knowledge about the Spring framework.

      This book contains frequently asked questions from essential Spring topics like

      • AOP
      • Boot Actuator
      • Boot AutoConfig
      • Spring Boot Intro
      • Spring Boot Testing
      • Container
      • JDBC
      • Spring Data JPA
      • MVC
      • REST
      • Security
      • Testing
      • Transaction
      • Full-length Practice Test

      These questions come with in-depth explanations and links to learn more. You can use them to learn and test your Spring skills. This book is also useful for Java developers preparing for the Spring Professional Certification Exam because I have tried to answer most of the questions from the Official Spring Certification Exam guide.

      This means you can use this as a review study guide for your spring certification preparation as well.

      All the best for the Java interview, and if you have any questions or feedback, you can always contact me on Twitter, javinpaul, or comment on my blogs, Javarevisited and Java67.

      Grokking the Java Interview

      Crack you Java Interview with confidence by preparing well using these questions
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        Crack your Java interview by preparing important topics and mastering key concepts in a guided and structured way in a short time.  Cracking a Java Interview is not easy, and one of the main reasons for that is Java is very vast. There are a lot of concepts and APIs to master to become a decent Java developer. 

        Many people who are good at general topics like Data Structure and Algorithms, System Design, SQL, and Databases fail to crack the Java interview because they don't spend time learning the Core Java concepts and essential APIs and packages like Java Collection Framework, Multithreading, JVM Internals, JDBC, Design Patterns, and Object-Oriented Programming.

        This book aims to fill that gap and introduce you to classical Java interview questions on these topics. By going through these questions and topics, you will not only expand your knowledge but also get ready for your Next Java interview. 

        This book is for programmers preparing for Java interviews. This book contains frequently asked questions and their answer/explanations on essential Java topics. You can use this book to quickly revise all essential Java concepts before your interview, both telephonic and face-to-face, and you can also use this book to learn Core Java in depth. 

        This book contains frequently asked Java questions from essential topics like

        1. Object-Oriented Programming

        2. Java Fundamentals

        3. Java Collections

        4. Java Multithreading

        5. Garbage Collection

        6. JDBC

        7. Generics

        8. Design Patterns

        9. Telephonic Interview Questions 

        These questions are a compilation of my best Java interview articles which millions of Java developers have read, and it is also my ten years of experience writing Java articles, tutorials, and interview questions. 

        If you are preparing for Java interviews, then I highly recommend you to go through these questions before your telephonic or face-to-face interviews; you will not only gain confidence and knowledge to answer the question but also learn how to drive Java interviews in your favor. 

        This is the most important tip I can give you as a Java developer.

        Remember, your answers drive interviews, and these questions will show you how to drive an Interviewer to your strong areas. All the best for the Java interview, and if you have any questions or feedback, you can always contact me on Twitter javinpaul, or comment on my blogs Javarevisited and Java67

        Grokking the Java Interview Volume 2

        Crack your Java Interview with confidence
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        I am happy to announce that Grokking the Java Interview Volume 2 is now available.

        This is the second part of my earlier book, Grokking the Java Interview, which covers more advanced topics in Java.

        The following topics are covered in this book:

        1. String

        2. Abstract class and Interface

        3. Inheritance

        4. ClassLoaders

        5. Enum

        6. ArrayList

        7. HashMap

        8. ConcurrentHashMap

        9. Date, Time, and Calendar

        10. Equals and HashCode

        11. NIO and Socket Programming

        12. Web Services

        13. Error, Exception, and Troubleshooting

        14. Tricky Questions

        15. Technical Core Java Questions

        All the best for the Java interview and if you have any questions or feedback you can always contact me on Twitter javinpaul or comment on my blogs Javarevisited and Java67

        Grokking the SQL Interview

        Master SQL, Excel in Interviews, Elevate Your Career
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          Are you on the brink of a career in data analytics, database administration, or software development? Perhaps you're gearing up for a crucial job interview that hinges on your SQL skills. If so, "Grokking the SQL Interview" is your essential companion on the path to SQL mastery and interview success.

          Unlock the Power of SQL

          SQL (Structured Query Language) is the cornerstone of modern data management and analysis. It's the language that empowers you to interact with and extract valuable insights from vast databases. Whether you're pursuing a role as a data analyst, database administrator, or software engineer, a solid grasp of SQL is non-negotiable.

          Your Passport to Interview Success

          In today's competitive job market, SQL interviews are a ubiquitous hurdle in landing your dream job. Employers across industries rely on SQL interviews to assess a candidate's ability to work with data effectively. That's where "Grokking the SQL Interview" comes in to help you shine.

          What You'll Find Inside

          Our book is meticulously crafted to equip you with the knowledge and confidence needed to excel in SQL interviews. It covers a comprehensive range of SQL concepts, from the fundamental building blocks to advanced querying and optimization techniques. Here's a glimpse of what you'll discover:

          Foundations of SQL: Start with the basics, mastering SQL syntax, data types, and database design principles.

          Querying Databases: Learn to craft SQL queries that retrieve the precise data you need, no matter how complex the database structure.

          Mastering Joins: Understand how to combine data from multiple tables, a critical skill for querying real-world databases.

          Subqueries and Aggregations: Dive deep into subqueries and aggregates to manipulate and summarize data effectively.

          Data Manipulation: Learn how to insert, update, and delete data with precision while maintaining data integrity.

          Performance Optimization: Discover strategies to optimize your SQL queries for faster and more efficient data retrieval.

          Real-world Scenarios: Apply your SQL skills to real-world scenarios, ensuring you're interview-ready.

          Why "Grokking the SQL Interview" Stands Out

          What sets our book apart is its hands-on approach to learning. You won't just read about SQL concepts; you'll practice and apply them. We've packed the book with practical examples, coding exercises, and SQL interview questions to hone your skills. The goal is not just to help you pass interviews but to make you a proficient and confident SQL practitioner.

          Who Should Read This Book?

          Job Seekers: If you're preparing for SQL interviews in your job search, this book is your secret weapon.

          Students: Whether you're pursuing a degree in computer science or data science, mastering SQL is a valuable skill that will set you apart.

          Professionals: For those looking to upskill or advance their careers, a deeper understanding of SQL can open new doors.

          Get Ready to Grok SQL!

          "Grokking the SQL Interview" is your trusted guide to conquering SQL interviews and unlocking exciting career opportunities in the data-driven world. Whether you're a beginner looking to build a solid foundation or an experienced practitioner aiming to sharpen your skills, our book is designed to meet you where you are on your SQL journey.

          Prepare to grok SQL like never before. Your journey to SQL mastery starts here.

          Ready to embark on this adventure? Order your copy now and get ready to grok SQL!

          Grokking the Java SE 17 Developer Certification (1Z0-829 Exam)

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            There is no doubt that passing Java certification is very challenging and Java SE 17 Developer certification with exam code 1Z0-829 is one of the toughest Java exams, I have seen so far. While there are many study guides available in the market, they don't give you enough practice questions which is required to build the speed and accuracy you need to pass the exam on the very first attempt.

            This book aims to fill this gap and gives you multiple-choice and multiple answers to practice questions, and topic-by-topics to test your knowledge. You can use these practice questions to test your preparation level and also learn by reading explanations and why other answers are not correct. This is the way, I scored 100% on my SCJP exam many years ago and it still works.

            Here are the topics covered in this book:

            • Directing Flow with Decision Statements, Pattern Matching, and Switch Expressions
            • Working with Primitives, Strings, var, and Text Blocks
            • Creating Lambda Expressions and Method References
            • Designing Classes, Interfaces, Enums, Records, and Sealed Classes
            • Writing Functional Interfaces and Streams
            • Building Modules and Migrating Applications to Modules
            • Applying I/O, NIO.2, JDBC, Threads, and Concurrency
            • Localizing Applications and Formatting Dates/Numbers
            • Gracefully Handling Exceptions and Errors and more…

            Ever since I launched my book on Spring Professional Certification, I have been working on this one and now I am excited that its finally ready for you.

            And, here are a few sample questions for you to try out :

            Select statements that are true about Concurrency in Java.

            1. threads can consist of multiple processes.

            2. The order of execution of threads relies on the thread

            priority and depends on the underlying platform(os, cores, etc).

            3. Context switch is a mechanism of storing the state of a thread by a scheduler that has already finished its execution.

            4. The thread scheduler tries to minimize the number of context switch operations due to time cost.

            5. threads can share memory.

            Correct Answer: 2,4,5


            1st is false because processes are formed from one or more threads. 2nd is true because threads can have priority and be executed due to priority, by the way, it also depends on several cores, type of OS, and other factors, 3rd is false. Context switch - is a mechanism to store the state of the executing thread that worked quantum of time and does not finish its operation that's why its state is stored until the next execution order, 4th is true. The scheduler of threads tries to minimize the number of context switches because it takes time to store and then restore the threads' state. 5th is true because threads can share memory inside one process

            All the best for the Java certification, and if you have any questions or feedback, you can always contact me on Twitter, javinpaul, or comment on my blogs Javarevisited and Java67.

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