Autism Understanding and Acceptance
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Autism Understanding and Acceptance

awareness is not enough

About the Book

This is an eBook only.

Autism awareness has come a long way in the relatively short time since Autism was given a name back in the 1940's... starting with the belief that it was caused by 'refrigerator moms' that were uncaring or cold towards their children, we now know that Autism is actually based in neurology/genetics.

This book looks to go beyond simply being aware of autism as it's effects on people can be so very wide ranging that even there are no two people equally affected. Every person's strengths, weaknesses and experiences are different.

Stuart Duncan, the father of two children, the oldest an autistic, helps you to understand the nature of Autism, how to recognize it and how to accept those around you that may simply be just a little bit different from yourself.

About the Author

Stuart Duncan
Stuart Duncan

Stuart Duncan is the proud father of two boys, the oldest of which has Autism. Devoting himself to his family, Stuart has always worked from home to maximize his time with them as well as the time to research and write about Autism.

Stuart is the author of the online blog "Autism From a Father's Point of View" where his thoughts range from moments with his own children to wide ranging thoughts of the Autism community as well as the perceptions of those around the world.

Hoping to reach a wider audience, Stuart is currently in the process of writing his third book.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Preface
  • 2 The definition of Understanding
  • 3 Autism in plain English
  • 3.1 Technically Speaking
  • 3.2 Something I need for you to know
  • 3.3 Common Symptoms
  • 3.4 Epilepsy/Seizures
  • 3.5 Wandering/Elopement
  • 3.6 Severe vs Savant
  • 3.7 Why an autistic person might not look me in the eye
  • 3.8 Causes
  • 3.9 Treatments / Therapies / Diets
  • 3.10 How can you help?
  • 3.11 So Remember
  • 4 Autism – is it an adjective, a definition, a description?
  • 4.1 Autism actually is…
  • 4.2 Does it define a person?
  • 4.3 So which is it?
  • 5 Low Functioning Autism vs High Functioning Autism
  • 5.1 Pre DSM-5
  • 5.2 Post DSM-5
  • 5.3 Conclusion
  • 6 Should you tell a stranger if you suspect their child may have autism?
  • 6.1 It’s none of your business
  • 6.2 Will she be offended?
  • 6.3 Early intervention is passing them by
  • 6.4 Are you certain of their situation?
  • 6.5 A responsibility to each other and our community
  • 6.6 Conclusion – It Depends
  • 7 Acceptance is the greatest gift you can give a child with autism
  • 7.1 If you can’t accept me, who will?
  • 7.2 Acceptance is not giving up
  • 7.3 Acceptance leads to self respect, self confidence, self reliance
  • 8 How did ‘cure’ and ‘acceptance’ get to be such bad words?
  • 8.1 Cure
  • 8.2 Acceptance
  • 8.3 Conclusion
  • 8.4 A new way to think about old words
  • 9 Your perception becomes your child’s reality
  • 9.1 Less than perfect
  • 9.2 Few exceptions
  • 9.3 Unconditional love
  • 10 Autistics that wish for a cure
  • 10.1 Trying to make sense of the “why”
  • 10.2 Is there something we’re missing?
  • 11 Listening even if you disagree
  • 11.1 The misconception of what it is to understand
  • 11.2 The uncomfortable position it puts you in
  • 11.3 Acceptance for the win
  • 11.4 Autism Understanding and Acceptance
  • 12 Understanding - The Bigger Picture
  • 12.1 Understanding
  • 12.2 Acceptance
  • 12.3 Just One
  • 13 Autism facts
  • 14 About this book
  • 15 About the author

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