Aurelia For Real World Web Applications
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Aurelia For Real World Web Applications

Using the Aurelia Javascript framework to build real world applications.

About the Book

Aurelia is a powerful Javascript framework based on standards. One of the strongest aspects of Aurelia is you are not learning a framework, you are learning how to use future-spec Javascript.

In this book you will learn the underlying concepts of the Aurelia framework and at the same time, you will learn how to do various real world programming tasks such as:

  • Working with forms; validation, multi-step, data caching
  • How to use third party libraries
  • Working with jQuery and jQuery UI
  • Interfacing with API's using both the Fetch and HttpClient dependencies provided by Aurelia
  • Implementing authentication in your Aurelia applications as well as numerous strategies for working with different types of authentication
  • How to write an Aurelia application using TypeScript
  • The definitive guide to bundling and deploying your Aurelia applications
  • Working with CSS pre-processors such as; LESS, Stylus and Sass
  • How to create custom elements and attributes
  • Porting over existing Angular 1 and Angular 2 applications to Aurelia
  • Working with the binding system
  • How to extend Aurelia
  • Working with the Task Queue module
  • All this and a whole heap more!

About the Author

Dwayne Charrington
Dwayne Charrington

Dwayne is a front-end developer with over 10 years experiencing in the web development industry. Initially starting out as a full-stack developer before switching to a front-end developer a few years into his career, he enjoys writing about Javascript and has a deep passion for the web.

Table of Contents

  • 1. Welcome
    • What Is Aurelia?
    • Why Aurelia?
      • Aurelia is standards based
      • No lock-in
      • Lightweight and performance oriented
      • Commercial backing
      • Legitimately small learning curve
      • Dependency free
    • Code examples on Github
    • What will I learn in this book?
  • 2. An Introduction to Modern Javascript
    • Transpilers
    • Decorators
    • let
    • Constants
    • Destructuring assignment
    • Default parameters and values
    • Rest operator
    • Classes
    • Promises
    • Arrow functions
    • Sets and Maps
    • Template literals
    • Modules
    • Conclusion
  • 3. Beyond Javascript with TypeScript
    • What is TypeScript?
    • The benefits of TypeScript
      • Strong Typing
      • Intellisense
    • TypeScript in action
      • Classes
      • Interfaces
      • Basic Types
    • Conclusion
  • 4. The Fundamentals of Aurelia
    • Terminology
    • The component life-cycle
    • Conventions
      • View-model/View Pairs
      • Overriding view/view-model conventions
      • Custom Attributes/Custom Elements/Value Converters
  • 5. Getting Started With Aurelia
    • Setting up your development environment
      • Installing Node.js
    • Working with Npm (Node Package Manager)
    • The Aurelia CLI
      • Installing the CLI
      • CLI commands
    • Conclusion
  • 6. Building your first Aurelia app
    • Downloading an IDE/Code editor
    • Start a new project
    • Let’s start coding…
    • Conclusion
  • 7. Templating
    • Require
    • Interpolation
    • Nested <template> elements
    • Binding Modes
    • Property binding
      • Binding to style
      • Binding to innerhtml
      • Binding to textcontent
      • Binding to input values
      • Binding to files
    • Events
    • Working with addEventListener/removeEventListener
    • Inbuilt attributes
      • if
      • show
      • repeat.for
      • as-element
    • Composition
    • Local references/variables
    • HTML only templates
    • Summary
  • 8. Dependency Injection (DI)
    • Simple DI
    • Configuring DI
    • Autoinjecting dependencies in TypeScript
    • Resolvers
      • Lazy
      • All
      • Optional
      • Parent
      • Factory
      • NewInstance
    • Summary
  • 9. Value Converters & Binding Behaviors
    • Value Converters
    • Binding Behaviors
      • throttle
      • debounce
      • updateTrigger
      • signal
      • oneTime
    • Conclusion
  • 10. Event Aggregator
    • Reasons to use the Event Aggregator
    • Publishing events
    • Subscribing to events
  • 11. Structuring your applications
    • Common Components of an Aurelia Application
    • Structure + Styles
      • Common Styles
      • Custom Elements
    • Strategy #1
    • Strategy #2
    • Strategy #3
    • Strategy #4
  • 12. Working with forms
    • Binding with form elements
      • Checkboxes
      • Radios
      • Selects
      • Textarea
      • File
      • Contenteditable
    • Form Strategies
      • Persisting form data
      • Multi-step form
  • 13. Working with the HTTP & Fetch clients
    • HTTP Client
      • Making a GET request
      • Making a POST request
      • A Fluent API
    • Fetch Client
      • Making a GET request
      • Making a POST request
    • Basic Configuration
    • Custom request headers
    • Intercepting Requests
    • Error Handling
  • 14. Router
    • Configuring the router
      • Using pushState
    • Routes explained
    • Creating a basic route
    • Creating a parameterized route
      • Optional parameters
    • Creating a wildcard route
    • Handling unknown routes aka 404’s
    • Passing data via routes
    • Dynamic routed modules
    • Case Sensitive Routes
    • Redirecting Routes
    • The router pipeline
      • Authorize Step
    • PreActivate Step
    • PreRender Step
    • PostRender Step
    • View Ports and Layouts
      • View Ports
      • Layouts
  • 15. Animating
    • The foundation all animations are built on
    • Animator CSS
      • Getting started
      • Our first CSS animation
      • Manually triggering animation
      • Manually triggering animation: in-depth
    • Animator Velocity.js
      • Getting Started
      • A basic animation example
      • Registering custom effects
  • 16. Testing
    • Unit Testing
      • What should a good unit test look like?
      • Jasmine explained
      • Testing view-model/views
      • Testing custom elements
      • Testing custom attributes
      • Testing dependencies
      • Mocks
  • 17. Localization using i18n
    • Prerequisites
    • Installation
    • Configuring our project
    • Intl Polyfill
    • Options
    • Events
    • Displaying localization values
      • Translating via custom attribute
      • Translating via code
    • Setting the currently active locale
    • Getting the currently active locale
    • Bundling the locale files

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