A Smart Book
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A Smart Book

Web Development in Pascal with Smart Mobile Studio

About the Book

This is a book about the Smart Mobile Studio (www.smartmobilestudio.com), a rapid development tool for programming HTML+JavaScript applications in Object Pascal. You can get more information about the book and the current status of each chapter at www.smartprogrammer.org.

About the Author

Primož Gabrijelčič
Primož Gabrijelčič

Primož Gabrijelčič is a long-time Delphi programmer, writer for The Delphi Magazine, Monitor, and Blaise Pascal magazines and frequent contributor to the Delphi-SI community. His Delphi-related ramblings are collected on the The Delphi Geek blog.

In his long career he has produced several open-source projects such as Delphi profiler GpProfile (now maintained by others). His active projects include OmniThreadLibrary, a multithreading library for Delphi and several open-sourced Delphi tools, published in the GpDelphiUnits repository.

Table of Contents

  • Credits
  • Introduction
    • Sample Code
    • Formatting Conventions
    • Work in Progress
    • Advertisement
  • Release Notes
  • 1 Prerequisites
  • 2 Getting Started
    • 2.1 Brief Introduction to Smart Mobile Studio
      • 2.1.1 Project Types
      • 2.1.2 Visual Project
      • 2.1.3 Game Project
      • 2.1.4 Console Project
    • 2.2 Supported Browsers
  • 3 Smart IDE
    • 3.1 Working with Designer
  • 4 Smart Pascal
    • 4.1 Data Types
      • 4.1.1 Base Types
        • Integer
        • Float
        • Boolean
        • String
        • Variant
        • Type Mappings
      • 4.1.2 Enumerations
      • 4.1.3 Sets
      • 4.1.4 Arrays
        • Static Arrays
        • Dynamic Arrays
      • 4.1.5 Records
        • Anonymous Records
        • Default Field Values
      • 4.1.6 Classes
        • Default Field Values
        • Partial Classes
        • External Classes
      • 4.1.7 Interfaces
      • 4.1.8 Helpers
      • 4.1.9 Delegates
      • 4.1.10 Closures
        • Lambdas
          • Lambda Functions
          • Lambda Statements
    • 4.2 Statements
    • 4.3 Operators
      • 4.3.1 Operator Overloading
      • 4.3.2 Helper Methods
    • 4.5 Memory Model
    • 4.6 Code Structure
      • 4.6.1 Unit Namespaces
    • 4.7 Property Expressions
    • 4.8 Properties with Anonymous Storage
    • 4.9 Contracts
    • 4.10 Directives
      • 4.10.1 Conditional Compilation
      • 4.10.2 Conditional Compilation Symbols
      • 4.10.3 Code Inclusions
      • 4.10.4 Errors and Messages
    • 4.11 Predefined Constants
    • 4.12 Built-in Functions
      • 4.12.1 Mathematical Functions
      • 4.12.2 String Functions
      • 4.12.3 Date/Time Functions
    • 4.13 Including JavaScript Code
      • 4.13.1 Name Conflicts and Obfuscation Support
      • 4.13.2 You May Be Better Without It
      • 4.13.3 Implicit Parameters Structure
      • 4.13.4 Variables
      • 4.13.5 Handling Callbacks with Variant Methods
      • 4.13.6 Handling Callbacks in an asm section
      • 4.13.7 Limitations
  • 5 Programming with Smart
    • 5.1 My First Smart Program
    • 5.2 File Management
    • 5.3 Deploying Smart Programs
    • 5.4 Application Architecture
    • 5.5 Forms and Navigation
      • 5.5.1 Creating Secondary Forms
      • 5.5.2 Navigating Between Forms
    • 5.6 Message Dialogs
      • 5.6.1 ShowMessage
      • 5.6.2 ShowDialog
    • 5.7 Modal Dialogs
      • 5.7.1 ShowModal
      • 5.7.2 HideModal
    • 5.8 Running Code on Application Shutdown
    • 5.9 Themes and Styles
    • 5.10 Command-line Applications
      • 5.10.1 Example
    • 5.11 Writing Games
      • 5.11.1 Anatomy of a Game Project
      • 5.11.2 Galaxy Clock
      • 5.11.3 Alternatives to the Game Project
  • 6 Smart Controls
    • 6.1 Overview
    • 6.2 TW3TagObj
    • 6.3 TW3Component
      • 6.3.1 Public Methods
    • 6.4 TW3MovableControl
    • 6.5 TW3CustomControl
      • 6.5.1 Public Methods
      • 6.5.2 Public Properties
      • 6.5.3 Events
      • 6.5.4 Published Properties
    • 6.6 TW3GraphicControl
    • 6.7 Styling with CSS
    • 6.8 Button
      • 6.8.1 Button with Image
      • 6.8.2 Sample Application
    • 6.9 Checkbox
      • 6.9.1 Sample Application
    • 6.10 ComboBox
      • 6.10.1 Sample Application
    • 6.11 EditBox
      • 6.11.1 Sample Application
    • 6.12 Header
      • 6.12.1 Sample Application
    • 6.13 HTML Elements
      • 6.13.1 Sample Aplication
    • 6.14 Image
      • 6.14.1 Sample Application
    • 6.15 Label
      • 6.15.1 Sample Application
    • 6.16 Listbox
      • 6.16.1 Listbox Styles
      • 6.16.2 Sample Application
    • 6.17 ListMenu
      • 6.17.1 Sample Application
    • 6.18 Memo
      • 6.18.1 Sample Application
    • 6.19 PaintBox
      • 6.19.1 Sample Application
    • 6.20 Panel
      • 6.20.1 Sample Application
    • 6.21 Progress bar
      • 6.21.1 Sample Application
    • 6.22 Scroll bar
      • 6.22.1 Sample Application
    • 6.23 Scrollbox
      • 6.23.1 Sample Application
    • 6.24 Scroll Control
      • 6.24.1 Sample Application
    • 6.25 TeeChart
    • 6.26 Toggle switch
      • 6.26.1 Sample Application
    • 6.27 Toolbar
      • 6.27.1 Sample Application
    • 6.28 Toolbutton
      • 6.28.1 Sample Application
    • 6.29 Writing Custom Controls
      • 6.29.1 TSmiley
      • 6.29.2 Image Button
  • 7 Smart RTL
    • 7.1 RTL
    • 7.2 RTL\PhoneGap
    • 7.3 RTL\Steema
    • 7.4 RTL\System
    • 7.5 RTL\w3c
    • 7.6 Libraries
    • 7.7 Libraries\Box2D
    • 7.8 Libraries\GLScene
    • 7.9 Libraries\RemObjects
    • 7.10 Libraries\SmartUnit
    • 7.11 Graphics
      • 7.11.1 Colour
      • 7.11.2 Line
      • 7.11.3 Circle
      • 7.11.4 Rectangle
      • 7.11.5 Curve
      • 7.11.6 Transparency
      • 7.11.7 Gradient
      • 7.11.8 Image
      • 7.11.9 Text
    • 7.12 Regular Expressions
      • 7.12.1 Example
      • 7.12.2 A Look Inside
      • 7.12.3 Creating a Regular Expression Object
      • 7.12.4 Match
      • 7.12.5 Search
      • 7.12.6 Replace
      • 7.12.7 Split
      • 7.12.8 Exec
      • 7.12.9 Test
      • 7.12.10 RegExDemo Example
    • 7.13 Browser Storage
      • 7.13.1 DOM Storage
        • API
      • 7.13.2 Cookies
        • API
      • 7.13.3 Example
    • 7.14 Accelerometer
      • 7.14.1 Device Orientation
      • 7.14.2 Smoothing
      • 7.14.3 Calibration
      • 7.14.4 Collecting Data
    • 7.15 Touch and Gesture
      • 7.15.1 Touch
      • 7.15.2 Gesture
    • 7.16 Layout Manager
      • 7.16.1 Edit/Button/ListBox
        • Layout Basics
        • Resizing layouts
        • Example, Revisited
      • 7.16.2 Application with a Status Bar
      • 7.16.3 Portrait and Landscape
      • 7.16.4 Dynamically Resizing Sublayouts
    • 7.17 Networking
      • 7.17.1 TW3HttpRequest Object
      • 7.17.2 Loading Files
      • 7.17.3 TW3JSONP Object
  • 8 Debugging Smart Programs
  • 9 Examples
    • 9.1 Tic-Tac-Toe
    • 9.2 Multi Finger Paint
    • 9.3 Gesture
    • 9.4 Accelerometer
  • 10 PhoneGap

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