A Rack of Reviews
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A Rack of Reviews

About the Book

A Rack of Reviews summarizes the author's studies over a number of years in a variety of academic categories. There are eviews on linguistics, anthropology, translation, explorations (particularly of PNG), missions, orality (with an additional annotated bibliography on the subject), philosophy, theology, American culture and some biographies and essays as well.

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About the Author

Karl Franklin
Karl J. Franklin

Karl Franklin is a Senior Faculty member of the Graduate Institute of Linguistics and an International Anthropology Consultant for SIL Intenational. He and his wife Joice worked in Papua New Guinea for 32 years among the Kewa people. He received his M.A. from Cornell University and his Ph.D. from the Australian National University. His many publications can be found by visiting the SIL International website at http://www.sil.org/biography/karl-franklin.

Table of Contents

  • Preface
  • 1. Linguistics and Language
    • 1.1 Chafe on Discourse
    • 1.2 Fauconnier and Turner on Conceptual Blending
    • 1.3 Lakoff on Women, Fire and Dangerous Things
    • 1.4 Turner on The Artful Mind
    • 1.5 Huddleston and Pullman on English Grammar
    • 1.6 Köveces on Metaphor
  • 2. Explorations
    • 2.1 Chatterton on Papua
    • 2.2 Holmes on “Primitive New Guinea”
    • 2.3 Beaver on Unexplored New Guinea
    • 2.4 Connolly and Anderson on First Contact (New Guinea Highlands)
    • 2.5 Mead on Cultural Patterns
    • 2.6 Endo on Silence
  • 3. Orality
    • 3.1 Esolen on Children’s Imagination
    • 3.2 Lamb on The Art and Craft of Storytelling
    • 3.3 Wasik on How Stories Live and Die
    • 3.4 Haven on Story Proof
    • 3.5 Denning on Springboard Stories
  • 4. Anthropology and Cross Cultural Studies
    • 4.1 Hiebert on Worldviews
    • 4.2 Hughes on American Myths
    • 4.3 Kraybill on the Renegade Amish
    • 4.4 Pilch on Healing in the New Testament
    • 4.5 Twiss on Rescuing the Gospel
  • 5. Biography and Autobiography
    • 5.1 Lynip on Pittman
    • 5.2 Sanneh on Summoned From the Margin
    • 5.3 Dreher on Dante
    • 5.4 Pinsky on A Jew among the Evangelicals
    • 5.5 Franklin on Moving into Translation
  • 6. Biblical Culture and Themes
    • 6.1 Carson on Christ and Culture
    • 6.2 Crouch on Culture Making
    • 6.3 T.S. Eliot on Christianity and Culture
    • 6.4 Ehrman on the New Testament Canon
    • 6.5 Jenkins on Laying Down the Sword
    • 6.6 Ryken on How to Read the Bible
    • 6.7 McKnight on Reading the Bible (The Blue Parakeet)
  • 7. American Culture and Themes
    • 7.1 Abramson and Haskell on Appalachia
    • 7.2 Gawande on Being Mortal
    • 7.3 Gay on Dialogue, Catalogue & Monologue
    • 7.4 Nichols on Jesus Made in America
    • 7.5 Prothero on Religious Literacy
  • 8. Missions and Missiology
    • 8.1 Lowney on Loyola
    • 8.2 Prior on Vanuatu
    • 8.3 Walls on Cross-Culture in Christian History
    • 8.4 Walls on The Missionary Movement
    • 8.5 David Brainerd
    • 8.6 Sheard on An Orality Primer for Missionaries
  • 9. Translation
    • 9.1 Brunn on Bible Versions
    • 9.2 Pike on Bible Translation
    • 9.3 Hoffman on Mistranslations
    • 9.4 C.S. Lewis on Modern Translations
    • 9.5 Nida and Louw on Greek Semantic Domain Lexicon
  • 10. Philosophy and Theology
    • 10.1 Liethart on Postmoderns and Solomon
    • 10.2 Malesic on Secret Faith
    • 10.3 Newgigin on the Gospel in a Pluralistic Society
    • 10.4 Ross on the Book of Job
    • 10.5 Guinness on Christian Persuasion
    • 10.6 Rosner on The Consolations of Theology
    • 10.7 Bell and Wittmer on Hell
    • 10.8 Chan and Sprinkle on Hell
  • 11. Storytelling Annotated Bibliography
  • 12. Published Reviews

About the Publisher

This book is published on Leanpub by Pike Center

Pike Center for Integrative Scholarship is an initiative of SIL International that builds capacity for language development through scholarship. SIL works alongside ethnolinguistic communities as they discover how language development addresses the challenging areas of their daily lives—social, cultural, political, economic and spiritual.

One of Pike Center’s strategies for building capacity is to grow the needed bodies of knowledge through its Agile Publishing program. We are using this lean publishing platform to give our affiliated scholars a platform for developing and refining new contributions to growing bodies of knowledge that support the language development movement. Many of our titles are still in a preliminary stage of development. Others are finished but have such a narrow audience that we have not elected to turn them into print books. Still others have reached the maturity of becoming a print book; in such cases, this is indicated by a link on the landing page for the book.

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