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Sobre el Libro
El Aprendiz de Python junto con El Oficial de Python y El Maestro de Python son parte de una trilogía de libros en el lenguaje de programación Python y en la librería eståndar de Python. El material en éstos libros se deriva de los populares -y a prueba de guerra- cursos de Sixty North los cuáles han guiado a miles de programadores en el camino a la productividad con Python.
Nuestros libros, los cuales utilizan Python 3, siguen un curriculum en espiral: introducimos temas lentamente y después regresamos en múltiples ocasiones para añadir más profundidad requerida para ayudar a tu progresión como desarrollador de Python. Hemos trabajado duro para estructurar los temas y evitar referencias muy avanzadas a temas que no han sido cubiertos aún. Sólo en algunas ocasiones te pedimos que aceptes las técnicas ciegamente, ya que ahondaremos en ellas más tarde; y si lo hacemos, será para estabalecer buenos hábitos deliberadamente.
Sobre los Autores
Austin is a founding director of Sixty North, a software consulting, training, and application development company. A native of Texas, in 2008 Austin moved to Stavanger, Norway where he helped develop industry-leading oil reservoir modeling software in C++ and Python. Prior to that he worked at National Instruments developing LabVIEW, at Applied Research Labs (Univ. of Texas at Austin) developing sonar systems for the U.S. Navy, and at a number of telecommunications companies. He is an experienced presenter and teacher, having spoken at numerous conferences, software groups, and internal corporate venues. Austin is also an active member of the open source community, contributing regularly to various Python and Emacs projects, and he’s the founder of Stavanger Software Developers, one of the largest and most active social software groups in Stavanger. Austin holds a Master of Science in Computer Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin.
Robert Smallshire is a founding director of Sixty North, a software consulting and training business in Norway providing services throughout Europe, and which uses Python extensively. Robert has worked in senior architecture and technical management roles for several software companies providing tools in the energy sector. He has dealt with understanding, designing, advocating and implementing effective architectures for sophisticated scientific and enterprise software in Python, C++, C# and F# and Javascript. Robert is a regular speaker at conferences, meetups and corporate software events and can be found speaking about topics as diverse as behavioural microeconomics in software development to implementing web services on 8-bit microcontrollers. He is organiser of the Oslo Python group and holds a Ph.D. in a natural science.
Sixty North AS. Software Consulting and Training.