Applied Analog Electronics
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Applied Analog Electronics

A first course in electronics

About the Book

Instructors who are considering adopting the book can get a coupon for a free copy by emailing a request to A solution set is also available to qualified instructors who adopt the text.

This textbook is for a first course on electronics. It assumes no prior electronics experience, but does assume that students have had calculus and high-school physics. Drafts of the book have been used for several years at UCSC. A key idea of the course is that students need a lot of design experience and hands-on work, rather than a lot of theory. The course is centered around the labs, which are a mix of design labs and measurement/modeling labs.

The book is also intended for people to be able to learn from without a course, and many of the recent changes are to make the book more useful to hobbyists and students on a limited budget, by changing the labs so that they can be done without expensive lab equipment. The equipment needed is described in the Preface, which is included in the free sample chapters.

Supplementary material for students and for instructors can be found at

My blog discusses the development of the course and the book, along with many other topics. Schedules for past offerings of the course can be found at

Paper copies of the book will be available for sale starting July 2022 at The paper editions should have the same text and figures as this PDF version, but the cover, pagination, and typesetting differ.

The book is now complete, as Edition 1.3. There may be future editions.

Buying the book now gets you all future updates published through Leanpub.

691 pages

348 figures

14 tables

526 index entries

169 references

24.1 Mbytes

The chapter on design report guidelines is available free as a separate publication:

As before, I am still offering 25¢ rewards for the first report of each error (no matter how small) in the book (but only in the LeanPub edition—I have insufficient control over the copy-editing of the edition by World Scientific Publishing).

I have recorded video lectures for the book. Playlists are at and for the two courses that cover the textbook. The first playlist of 122 videos runs about 27:16 and the second playlist of 50 videos runs about 12 hours, so the average video length is under 14 minutes.

There may be one or two videos added and existing ones may be updated, but the set of lectures is essentially complete. Many still have only automatic closed captioning, but the captions will (slowly) get hand edited.

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About the Author

Kevin Karplus
Kevin Karplus

Kevin Karplus is a Professor Emeritus of Biomolecular Engineering at University of California, Santa Cruz, where he was formerly a Professor of Computer Engineering. His education is in math (B.S. and M.S.) and computer science (Ph.D.), but he has taught a wide variety of subjects, including VLSI design, discrete math, digital logic design, computer architecture, technical writing, desktop publishing, bioinformatics, and applied analog electronics.

He writes a blog that discusses his courses and writing (among other things) at

Table of Contents

See sample PDF file for Table of Contents and some sample chapters.

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