Ansible for Kubernetes
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Ansible for Kubernetes

Automate app deployment on any scale with Ansible and K8s

About the Book

This book takes users on an automation journey—from building your first Kubernetes cluster with Ansible's help, to deploying and maintaining real-world, massively-scalable and highly-available applications.

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    • Software
    • Ansible
    • Agile
    • DevOps
    • Cloud Computing
    • Distributed Systems
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About the Author

Jeff Geerling
Jeff Geerling

Jeff Geerling is a developer who has worked in programming and DevOps-related positions for companies with thousands of servers. He also manages infrastructure for services offered by Midwestern Mac, LLC, and has been using Ansible to manage infrastructure since early 2013, and Kubernetes since 2017.

Table of Contents

  • Preface
    • Who is this book for?
    • Typographic conventions
    • Please help improve this book!
      • Current Published Book Version Information
    • About the Author
  • Introduction
    • In the beginning, there were servers
    • The move to containers
    • Ansible by Red Hat
    • Kubernetes and the CNCF
    • Examples Repository
    • Other resources
      • Ansible resources
      • Kubernetes resources
  • Chapter 1 - Hello World!
    • Hello, Go!
      • Installing Go
      • Creating a ‘Hello world’ app in Go
      • Building Hello Go
    • Deploying Hello Go in a container
      • Running Hello Go in Docker
        • Building the container
        • Running the container
      • Hello Go app summary
    • Deploying Hello Go in Kubernetes
      • Installing Minikube
      • Building the Hello Go container in Minikube
      • Running Hello Go in Minikube
      • Scaling Hello Go in Kubernetes
      • Clean up Hello Go
    • Summary
  • Chapter 2 - Automation brings DevOps bliss
    • Ansible 101
      • Installing Ansible
      • Hello, Ansible!
      • Running your first Ansible playbook
      • Ansible 101 summary
    • Managing Kubernetes with Ansible
      • Managing Minikube
      • Building container images in Minikube with Ansible
      • Managing Kubernetes resources with Ansible
      • Scaling Hello Go with Ansible
        • Scaling via the existing Deployment spec
        • Scaling with Ansible’s k8s_scale module
        • Scaling with k8s and strategic_merge
    • Cleaning up Kubernetes resources with Ansible
    • Summary
  • Chapter 3 - Ansible manages containers
    • Ansible’s Docker modules
      • docker_image module
      • docker_container module
      • Pushing the container image to a registry
        • Running a local container registry
        • docker_login module
        • Pushing an image to a Docker registry with docker_image
      • Ansible Docker module summary
    • Building images using Ansible without a Dockerfile
      • Relying on Roles from Ansible Galaxy
      • Writing a Playbook to Build a Container Image
      • Writing a Playbook to Test the Container Image
      • Apache Solr container build summary
    • Summary
  • Chapter 4 - Building K8s clusters with Ansible
    • Building a local Kubernetes cluster on VMs
      • Prerequisites - Vagrant and VirtualBox
      • A small Kubernetes cluster architecture
      • A Vagrantfile for local Infrastructure-as-Code
      • Building a Kubernetes cluster with Ansible
        • Describing hosts with an inventory
        • Becoming root in a playbook
        • Building a server with roles
        • Role configuration
        • Running the cluster build playbook
      • Testing the cluster with a deployment using Ansible
      • Debugging cluster networking issues
        • Fixing issues with Flannel and iptables
          • Switching nftables to iptables-legacy
        • Patching Flannel to use the right network interface
      • Local VM cluster summary
    • Building a cluster using Kubespray
      • Building a cluster on VPSes using Kubespray
    • Building a bare metal cluster using Raspberry Pis
    • Summary
  • Chapter 5 - Build an AWS EKS Cluster with CloudFormation and Ansible
    • Managing AWS EKS clusters with CloudFormation
      • CloudFormation Templates
        • CloudFormation template for VPC Networking
        • CloudFormation template for an EKS Cluster
        • CloudFormation template for an EKS Node Group
      • Applying CloudFormation Templates with Ansible
    • Authenticating to the EKS Cluster via kubeconfig
    • Deploying WordPress to the EKS Cluster
      • Build the WordPress Kubernetes manifests
      • Build an Ansible Playbook to deploy the manifests to EKS
      • Point a custom domain at the WordPress ELB
      • Run the playbook to deploy WordPress
    • Summary
  • Chapter 6 - Manage a GKE Cluster with Terraform and Ansible
    • Managing Google Cloud GKE clusters with Terraform
    • Summary
  • Chapter 7 - Development and CI Testing with Molecule, Kind, and Ansible
    • Ansible playbook to deploy a Kubernetes Job
    • Add Molecule for development and testing
      • Manage Kind with Molecule
      • Test a playbook in Kind with Molecule
      • Verify the playbook worked with Molecule
      • Kubernetes CI Testing in GitHub Actions
    • Summary
  • Chapter 8 - Ansible’s Kubernetes integration
    • k8s module
    • k8s_info module
    • k8s inventory plugin
    • k8s_scale module
    • k8s_exec module
    • k8s_service module
    • k8s_log module
    • geerlingguy.k8s collection
    • Summary
  • Chapter 9 - Hello Operator
    • The Operator Pattern
    • Operator SDK
      • Go vs. Ansible-based Operators
      • Your first Ansible-based Operator
      • End-to-end testing for an Ansible-based Operator with Molecule
    • Example: WordPress in EKS with an Operator
    • Summary
  • Chapter 10 - The first real-world application
  • Afterword
  • Appendix A - Using Ansible on Windows workstations
    • Method 1 - Use the Windows Subsystem for Linux / Bash on Ubuntu
      • Installing Ansible inside Bash on Ubuntu
    • Method 2 - When WSL is not an option
      • Prerequisites
      • Set up an Ubuntu Linux Virtual Machine
      • Log into the Virtual Machine
      • Install Ansible
    • Summary

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