Ansible for AWS
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Ansible for AWS

A simple way to provision and manage your Amazon Cloud infrastructure

About the Book

Ansible is an IT automation tool. Learn how to use Ansible to easily provision and manage your Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud infrastructure. Automated infrastructure provisioning and management is a key component of Continuous Delivery and DevOps culture. 

This book will show you how to use Ansible's cloud modules to easily provision and manage your AWS resources including EC2, VPC, RDS, S3, ELB, Auto Scaling, IAM and Route 53. This book takes you beyond the basics of Ansible, showing you real-world examples of AWS infrastructure automation and management using Ansible, with detailed steps, complete codes, and screen captures from AWS console. Also, learn how to use Ansible dynamic inventory to easily manage EC2 instances configuration.

The example projects will help you grasp the concepts quickly. From a single WordPress site to a highly available and scalable WordPress site, Ansible will help you automate all tasks.

Examples in this book are tested with the latest version of Ansible (2.1.x as of this writing).

About the Author

Yan Kurniawan
Yan Kurniawan

Yan Kurniawan is a freelance Cloud/DevOps Engineer. Yan has worked on many AWS projects and he has helped companies from startups to Fortune 100 companies. He is an AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional and a Puppet Certified Professional.

Based in Sydney, Australia, he enjoys the laid-back lifestyle in one of the world’s best cities to live in. He loves taking beautiful cityscape and landscape pictures with his camera. You can find his works here.

You can hire him through Upwork.

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Table of Contents

    • About the Author
    • Preface
      • What this book covers
      • Who this book is for
      • What you need for this book
      • Conventions
      • Example Code Files
    • Chapter 1: Getting Started with AWS
      • What is Amazon Web Services (AWS)?
      • Setting Up Your AWS Account
      • AWS Management Console
      • Create Your First EC2 Instance
      • Connect to Your Instance
      • Terminate Your Instance
    • Chapter 2: Getting Started with Ansible
      • What You’ll Need
      • Installing Ansible
      • SSH Keys
      • Inventory
      • Your First Commands
      • Playbooks
      • Your First Playbook
      • Roles and Include Statements
    • Chapter 3: EC2 Provisioning and Configuration Management with Ansible
      • Python boto
      • AWS Access Keys
      • Cloud Modules
      • Key Pair
      • Security Groups
      • EC2 Provisioning
      • Elastic IP Address (EIP)
      • Configuration Management
      • Dynamic Inventory
      • Elastic Block Store (EBS)
      • Instance Profile
    • Chapter 4: Project 1 - A WordPress Site
      • Provisioning Playbook
      • Variables File
      • Roles Directory
      • common roles
      • web roles
      • mysql roles
      • wordpress roles
      • site.yml
      • Directory Structure
      • Playbook Run
    • Chapter 5: Route 53 Management with Ansible
      • Hosted Zones
      • DNS Records Management
    • Chapter 6: VPC Provisioning with Ansible
      • The Default VPC
      • Getting Started with VPC
      • VPC Provisioning
      • VPC Security Groups
      • EC2-VPC Provisioning
      • NAT Instance
      • Multi-AZ Deployment
      • Ansible in VPC
      • OpenVPN Server
      • Getting VPC and Subnet ID
    • Chapter 7: RDS Provisioning with Ansible
      • Introduction
      • Getting Started with RDS
      • rds_subnet_group Module
      • rds_param_group Module
      • rds Module
    • Chapter 8: S3 Management with Ansible
      • Introduction
      • Ansible’s s3 Module
      • Backup Storage
      • Using s3cmd with Ansible
    • Chapter 9: Using AWS CLI with Ansible
      • Installing the AWS CLI
      • Configuring the AWS CLI
      • Using the AWS CLI
      • AWS CLI in Ansible Playbook
    • Chapter 10: Project 2 - A Multi-Tier WordPress Site
      • Multi-AZ RDS Provisioning
      • Master WordPress Instance
      • Next Steps
    • Chapter 11: Amazon Machine Images (AMI)
      • The ec2_ami Module
      • Creating Custom AMI
      • Deleting Custom AMI
    • Chapter 12: Auto Scaling and Elastic Load Balancing (ELB)
      • What Is Auto Scaling?
      • How Auto Scaling Works
      • The Architecture
      • VPC Update
      • Security Groups Update
      • Getting Started with Auto Scaling
      • Scaling the Size of Your Auto Scaling Group
      • Load Balance Your Auto Scaling Group
      • Getting Started with ELB
      • Attaching Load Balancer to ASG
      • Scheduled Scaling
      • Dynamic Scaling
      • Scaling Based on Metrics
      • More About Auto Scaling
    • Chapter 13: ELB and Auto Scaling with Ansible
      • The ec2_elb_lb Module
      • The ec2_lc Module
      • The ec2_asg Module
      • The ec2_scaling_policy Module
      • The ec2_metric_alarm Module
      • The Playbook
    • Chapter 14: Identity and Access Management (IAM)
      • Getting Started with IAM
      • IAM Best Practices
      • iam Module
      • iam_policy Module
      • Example Playbooks
      • Instance Profile
    • Appendix A: Installing Ansible from Source
    • Appendix B: What’s New in Ansible v2
  • Notes

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