An IDE Called Vim
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An IDE Called Vim

About the Book

Vim enthusiasts often struggle to leverage its features as a comprehensive Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Existing resources provide scattered information, leaving users searching for a cohesive solution.

"An IDE Called Vim" bridges the gap, offering a holistic approach to harnessing Vim's functionality for day-to-day coding tasks. Discover how to turn Vim into a full-fledged IDE, streamlining your workflow like never before.

Through extensive exploration, this book unveils a wealth of techniques and configurations. From the basics to advanced usage, we leave no stone unturned. Say goodbye to tedious struggles with auto-completion and file finding – we've got you covered!

"An IDE Called Vim" delves into the depths of Vim, presenting a step-by-step journey through its rich feature set. Learn how to optimize your Vim installation, leverage plugins, and fine-tune settings to create a personalized development environment tailored to your needs.

Don't settle for Vim as a mere text editor. Upgrade to "An IDE Called Vim" and unlock the true potential of your coding experience. Say hello to enhanced productivity and seamless development. Get your copy now and revolutionize the way you code!

About the Author

Claudio Ribeiro
Claudio Ribeiro

Cláudio is a software developer, traveler and writer from Lisbon. When he is not developing some cool programming feature he is probably backpacking somewhere in the world or messing with some obscure framework.

Table of Contents

    • Preface
    • What’s in this book
    • What you’ll need
    • Conventions
    • Online examples
    • I. Pre-Basics
    • II. Basics
    • III. The .vimrc file
    • IV. Using Vim as an IDE
    • Advanced IDE
    • V. Plugins
    • VI. Outside Help
    • VII. What’s next?

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