The Angular Firebase Survival Guide
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The Angular Firebase Survival Guide

Build Angular Apps on a Solid Foundation with Firebase

About the Book

Fully updated in May 2018 with updates for Angular v6 and Firebase SDK v5.

Are you ready to go beyond the basics with Angular/Firebase and launch your app into production?

The Angular Firebase Survival Guide is a non-linear toolkit with 65 code snippets (supported by videos) that solve common challenges, prevent pitfalls, and demonstrate real-world app features. This book is about producing realtime Angular applications - it's NOT about high level programming theories or low level Angular architecture concepts.

You should buy this book if you…

  • Want to build real world apps.
  • Enjoy quick problem-solution style tutorials.
  • Have basic JavaScript, HTML, and CSS skills
  • Have some Angular experience (such as the Heroes Demo on

By the end of the book, you will know how to authenticate users, handle realtime database streams, upload files, trigger background tasks, deploy your app, and much more.

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    • JavaScript
    • AngularJS
    • Databases
    • ES6
    • Web Development
    • Computers and Programming
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About the Author

Jeff Delaney
Jeff Delaney

Jeff Delaney is a Google Developer Expert focused on building progressive web apps. He founded a successful web development consultancy in 2012 that is currently using Angular to build realtime serverless apps. He is also an expert ranked machine learning competitor on Kaggle. 

Reader Testimonials


The new book is really amazing!

The new book is really amazing! This is more than a new version, I think you rewrote almost everything. The previous version was a bit hard to dive into. Congrats I think you've achieved a reference guide for Angular


I love the format

I love the format of the book - super easy to follow. It is really helping to learn and understand what is going on rather googling code fixes on Stack Overflow.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
    • Why Angular?
    • Why Firebase?
    • Why Angular and Firebase Together?
    • This Book is for Developers Who…
    • Angular Firebase Starter App
    • Package Versions
    • Watch the Videos
    • Join the Angular Firebase Slack Team
  • The Basics
    • 1.1 Top Ten Best Practices
    • 1.2 Start a New App from Scratch
    • 1.3 Separating Development and Production Environments
    • 1.4 Importing Firebase Modules
    • 1.5 Deployment to Firebase Hosting
  • Cloud Firestore
    • 2.0 Cloud Firestore versus Realtime Database
    • 2.1 Data Structuring
    • 2.2 Collection Retrieval
    • 2.3 Document Retrieval
    • 2.4 Include Document Ids with a Collection
    • 2.5 Add a Document to Collections
    • 2.6 Set, Update, and Delete a Document
    • 2.7 Create References between Documents
    • 2.8 Set a Consistent Timestamp
    • 2.9 Use the GeoPoint Datatype
    • 2.10 Atomic Writes
    • 2.11 Order Collections
    • 2.12 Limit and Offset Collections
    • 2.13 Querying Collections with Where
    • 2.14 Creating Indices
    • 2.15 Backend Firestore Security Rules
  • Realtime Database
    • 3.0 Migrating from AngularFire Version 4 to Version 5
    • 3.1 Data Modeling
    • 3.2 Database Retrieval as an Object
    • 3.3 Show Object Data in HTML
    • 3.4 Subscribe without the Async Pipe
    • 3.5 Map Object Observables to New Values
    • 3.6 Create, Update, Delete a FirebaseObjectObservable data
    • 3.7 Database Retrieval as a Collection
    • 3.8 Viewing List Data in the Component HTML
    • 3.9 Limiting Lists
    • 3.10 Filter Lists by Value
    • 3.11 Create, Update, Delete Lists
    • 3.12 Catch Errors with Firebase Operations
    • 3.13 Atomic Database Writes
    • 3.14 Backend Database Rules
    • 3.15 Backend Data Validation
  • User Authentication
    • 4.1 Getting Current User Data
    • 4.2 OAuth Authentication
    • 4.3 Anonymous Authentication
    • 4.4 Email Password Authentication
    • 4.5 Handle Password Reset
    • 4.6 Catch Errors during Login
    • 4.7 Log Users Out
    • 4.8 Save Auth Data to the Realtime Database
    • 4.9 Creating a User Profile
    • 4.10 Auth Guards to Protect Routes
  • Firebase Cloud Storage
    • 5.1 Creating an Upload Task
    • 5.2 Handling the Upload Task
    • 5.3 Saving Data about a file to the Realtime Database
    • 5.4 Uploading a Single File
    • 5.5 Delete Files
    • 5.6 Validate Files on the Frontend
    • 5.7 Upload Images in Base64 Format
    • 5.8 Validating Files on the Backend
  • Firebase Cloud Functions
    • 6.1 Initialize Cloud Functions in an Angular Project
    • 6.2 Deploy Cloud Cloud Functions
    • 6.3 Setup an HTTP Cloud Function
    • 6.4 Setup an Auth Cloud Function
    • 6.5 Setup a Database Cloud Function
    • 6.6 Setup a Firestore Cloud Function
    • 6.7 Setup a Storage Cloud Function
  • Real World Combined Examples
    • 7.1 Auth with Firestore Custom User Data
    • 7.2 Role-based Access Control
    • 7.3 Drag and Drop File Uploads
    • 7.4 Firestore NoSQL Data Modeling
    • 7.5 Server Side Rendering

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