AngularJS + Rails (The Book + Code Samples)
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AngularJS + Rails

Jumpstart your front end web applications using Angular and Rails.

About the Book

AngularJS examples seem ok, but how do you fit it into Rails?

You’ve seen the online AngularJS examples that get you far enough to type in a box and see it on the screen, but it’s not enough to build something REAL. The blog posts, js-fiddles, and walkthroughs don’t get you connected to Rails, they don’t help with data validation, and they don’t help at all trying to get Angular working with the Asset Pipeline. You’re left wondering where to start, and doubting if you should use Rails at all.

You need more than "Hello World."

To get productive in AngularJS, you need real world examples extracted from real world applications. You can easily pick up the "Hello World" on $scope examples -- you need to dive deep in order to use AngularJS in production.

What about authentication? deployment?

Blog posts and even books about AngularJS leave you wondering where to go for problems that were solved by Rails years ago. But you’re left frustrated and lost when it comes to these “simple” services in Angular + Rails.

You’ll be able to create an AngularJS + Rails app with confidence

With AngularJS+Rails, you’ll have the knowledge, experience, and reference materials to create apps with AngularJS. You'll be able to use Rails as an API, or integrate AngularJS with traditional Rails apps. We cover routing+templates for your large applications, and how to keep things simple when you’re enhancing a form or adding real-time updates to a feed. You'll know how to hook in Devise with AngularJS, how to deploy, and how to make sure your users can press refresh.

About the Authors

Jonathan Birkholz
Jonathan Birkholz
Hi! My name is Jonathan Birkholz, but my friends call me JB. I love writing code and sharing new technologies with fellow developers. You can reach me @rookieone. I hope you enjoy my books!


The Book

The Book

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The Book + Code Samples
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Table of Contents

  • 1 Introduction
    • 1.1 What this guide is
    • 1.2 What this guide isn’t
  • 2 Status of AngularJS + Rails = AngulaRails
  • 3 Why Angular?
    • 3.1 Pros: The greener grass
    • 3.2 Cons: Here be dragons
  • 4 Hello AngularJS
    • 4.1 Create your Rails Application
    • 4.2 Hello AngularJS
    • 4.3 Using an AngularJS Application and Controller
  • 5 Forms with AngularJS
    • 5.1 Using Selects
    • 5.2 Using Checkboxes
    • 5.3 Using Radio Buttons
  • 6 Models Need Dots
    • 6.1 Dangerous Binding
    • 6.2 Correct Binding
  • 7 Extending Rails Forms with AngularJS Validation
    • 7.1 HTML5 Validation with AngularJS
    • 7.2 Using AngularJS Validation
  • 8 HTTP with AngularJS
    • 8.1 GET request with $http
    • 8.2 Adding a spinner
    • 8.3 Handle Errors
    • 8.4 Using jQuery
  • 9 Talking to Rails
    • 9.1 HTTP Header Defaults for Rails
    • 9.2 GET /books
    • 9.3 Pass in the url
    • 9.4 Pass data from Rails to AngularJS
    • 9.5 POST /books
    • 9.6 DELETE /books/:id
    • 9.7 PUT /books/:id
  • 10 Services
    • 10.1 Create a custom service
    • 10.2 Using promises
  • 11 Using ng-resource with Rails
    • 11.1 Adding ngResource
    • 11.2 GET /books
    • 11.3 Book Resource
    • 11.4 Promises
    • 11.5 Insert a Book
    • 11.6 Edit a Book
    • 11.7 Delete a Book
  • 12 Paging with AngularJS and Rails
    • 12.1 Add Paging
    • 12.2 Next and Previous Page
    • 12.3 Navigate pages
  • 13 Directives
    • 13.1 Making a directive
    • 13.2 More than just templates
    • 13.3 Bind to our directive
  • 14 Image Avatar Directives
    • 14.1 Full AngularJS Code
  • 15 Routing
    • 15.1 Setup ngRoute
    • 15.2 Root Route
    • 15.3 Default Routes
    • 15.4 Detail Page
    • 15.5 Routing with Promises (Resolving Later)
  • 16 UI Router
    • 16.1 Install ui-router
    • 16.2 Setup Root Route
    • 16.3 Crew Route
    • 16.4 Promises
  • 17 Devise Authentication
    • 17.1 Secure via AngularJS
    • 17.2 Login with Rails
    • 17.3 Logout with Rails
    • 17.4 Logout via Angular
    • 17.5 Login via Angular
  • 18 Deploy to Heroku
    • 18.1 Brief overview of AngularJS’s dependency injection & Uglification
    • 18.2 Turn mangle off
    • 18.3 Specify the dependency using AngularJS
  • 19 Reduce HTTP Calls
    • 19.1 Preload JSON with AngularJS
    • 19.2 Preload Templates with Rails Asset Pipeline
  • 20 Appendix 1 : JSON Models are good enough

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