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Angels: Returning to People
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Community Edition
This book is 14% complete
Last updated on 2024-09-01
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No mysticism. No esotericism. No religion. Just practical experience.
What is it all about?
Long ago, people on Earth lived hand in hand with their Angels. Angels were able to fully realize their boundless potential, granted to them by the Creator, to help, protect, and guide humanity. With the assistance of Angels, people of that time lived their lives experiencing levels of fulfillment, joy, and happiness that we, living today, cannot even fathom.
But as the age of darkness dawned, the connection between humans and their Angels began to weaken. People started to forget about these powerful helpers, abandoning them to oblivion. You can see for yourself what humanity's life has become without the protection and guidance of Angels.
This is why the issue of re-establishing relationships between humans and their Angels is no longer a matter of mysticism or esotericism. It’s about the practical opportunity for a person to improve their health, life circumstances, and significantly enhance their ability to handle any challenges that modern life throws their way.
This book is dedicated to restoring the relationship between a person and their Angel and the practical benefits that can be derived from this relationship. No mysticism. No esotericism. No religion. Just the author’s practical experience, along with that of others, in interacting with Angels.