Angels: Returning to People
Angels: Returning to People
Mikhail Gratus
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The Beginning

My introduction to Angels happened quite unexpectedly.

At that time, I was deeply immersed in researching the regenerative abilities of the human body and testing a health recovery method I had developed, which utilized these abilities. Naturally eco-friendly, the method was also relatively simple to learn, and it showed quite promising results in practice.

This is why I began teaching it to people who, for various reasons, had not been able to find help through traditional medicine. My clients were learning the method in the hope of overcoming persistent health issues. Often, their goal was to restore a particular organ (or even an entire bodily system) to avoid the need for surgery, removal, or transplantation.

And so, during one of my training sessions, I encountered an unusual phenomenon. The woman I was working with was sitting with her eyes closed, actively engaged in internal work while commenting on her actions… This woman, with whom I had already worked three or four times, was sitting with her eyes closed, deeply focused on her inner processes, simultaneously narrating her actions and their results to me…

Here, I should make a brief note to help you better understand the context of what happened next.

As practice showed, it was easier for a person to learn the method when they closed their eyes, as it significantly improved their ability to focus on the processes they were observing or initiating within their body under my guidance. At the same time, unlike specialists who immerse people in trance, hypnosis, or other altered states of consciousness, I insisted that the person, although closing their eyes, remained conscious, fully understood what was happening, made decisions independently, acted, and was aware of the consequences of their actions.

This approach ensured that once the training was completed, the person could independently reproduce the skills they had acquired and apply the knowledge without my help. That is, they could manage health deviations if any arose in the course of their life. This is why the woman in question had her eyes closed during the training session.

And as I understood later, this circumstance created the conditions for what happened to her next.

… So there she was, sitting, actively working and communicating with me. Suddenly, she fell silent. After waiting a bit, I asked her what was happening, why she had stopped talking.

“I see a figure of bright light next to me!” the woman’s voice was full of surprise.

“Did it scare you?” I asked.

“No, and that’s strange. It was unexpected, but instead of fear, I felt calm, peace… And, you know, it’s like I’m seeing someone I’ve known for a very long time. Someone who evokes warm feelings in me.”

I’ll be honest, I was somewhat annoyed as this situation disrupted our working process. “It’s probably just her imagination,” I thought, and asked the woman not to get distracted and to return to the task at hand, which she did.

But the same thing happened during the next session. And again in the session after that. At this point, as a researcher, I became genuinely curious — what was happening? What was this woman seeing?

Not knowing what else to do, I simply suggested that she ask the figure of light a question.

“Ask it — who are you?” I advised.

“He’s answering!” the woman exclaimed. “It’s like his answers are appearing in my thoughts!”

“What is he saying? And why do you say ‘he’?” I asked.

“He says he’s my Angel. He came to help me…”

Years have passed since that first encounter with my client’s Angel. Reflecting on that situation, I can confidently say it was a turning point in my life. I embarked on a path unknown to me—exploring the world of Angels, Archangels, and other beings with whom humanity once had active connections.

This path was challenging. It wasn’t easy. But what drives and continues to drive me is a genuine, sincere curiosity.

I’m fascinated by the potential of Angels to assist humans. What exactly can they do?

I’m interested in tangible results from such interactions, not something abstract or mystical, intangible, or unverifiable.

And it is in this spirit that I conduct my research.

For this reason, I urge you not to take my word for it as you read this book. Listen to your own feelings. Test everything through personal experience. After all, even the most inspiring information only becomes your own knowledge when it’s verified through practice.

Moreover, restoring a relationship with your Angel (or possibly Angels) and testing what’s written in this book isn’t difficult. Especially when there are people who have already reestablished their connections with their Angels and have helped many others do the same.

My personal experience in exploring the world of Angels, receiving help, protection, and guidance from my Angel, testifies that no one in my entire life has brought me as much good as my Angel has. The same is true for the people I’ve helped reconnect with their Angels.

Think about it—are you really making the smartest, most beneficial choice for yourself when you ignore such a powerful helper (granted to you by the Creator) who’s right by your side?

Intrigued by my client’s response and feeling the stirrings of a researcher’s curiosity, I began asking her Angel questions through the woman.

Where did he come from? What does he want? How can he help the woman? Are there many like him? Will he come whenever he chooses, or can she call on him when she needs him? - these and many other questions poured out of me like a flood. It was from this woman’s Angel that I learned every person has an Angel. And summoning him is not difficult.

The volume of information provided by my client’s Angel became a springboard for me in exploring Angels.

First and foremost, I was eager to test the information I had received with my other clients.

I decided to start with women, as I assumed they might be more receptive to this kind of information.

I shared the story with each of my female clients and invited them to check if they had Angels.

And really, what woman could resist such an offer?))

Almost all agreed.

Although they seemed a bit scared, women are—credit where credit is due—extraordinarily curious beings. Their curiosity helped them overcome their fear of this unusual experiment.

And then…

And then, as the experiment concluded, my clients and I experienced a “mind-blowing” explosion of emotions.

Because every single one—yes, every single one!—of the experiment participants had an Angel!

Moreover, each woman reacted differently to meeting her Angel.

Some (and there were many of these) burst into uncontrollable sobs when they saw their Angel and cried for quite some time. I often had to just sit quietly for 15-20 minutes, listening and waiting for the woman to calm down.

When I asked, “What happened?” the women usually replied that these were tears of overwhelming joy and kindness.

They said it was a reunion with a very dear, close being from whom they had been separated for a long time. They couldn’t hold back their tears when their Angel came to them and simply embraced them.

Some women were deeply surprised. Others were overjoyed. Some were stunned into silence.

But one way or another, most of them experienced a powerful surge of bright, joyful emotions upon meeting their Angel.

For me, the “mind-blowing” experience was realizing that the information I had received from the woman’s Angel at the beginning of the chapter was not only confirmed but also significantly expanded and detailed during these experiments.

And what struck me most was that Angels are not factory-made, identical dolls, all alike like peas in a pod.

Not at all. They turned out to be as different from each other as we humans are. Each had their own perspective, their own view of a given situation. They had different levels of development, their own unique abilities and skills. They varied in strength. And they had many other differences as well.

Interacting with my clients’ Angels, I could physically feel the stereotypes about reality in general and Angels in particular breaking, bursting, and expanding in my mind. I had never experienced anything like it before.

It was like a tectonic shift in my worldview.

What began as a simple idea to check if my clients had Angels turned into something with far-reaching consequences.

Thanks to the help of my Angel and my clients’ Angels, I have significantly transformed my method of restoring health and teaching it.

Angels have helped me see people and their health from perspectives I had never considered before.

Thanks to the help and influence of Angels, results in working with clients that previously took 4-7 sessions to achieve were now being reached in 1-2 sessions. I was amazed.

And it was just the beginning…

In Search of Authorities

“And the world split in two…”

This quote from an old song perfectly captures the state I found myself in after encountering Angels.

One part of me, the researcher, was eager to open the door to this new, unexplored world as wide as possible. The other part resisted with all its might, trying to convince me that Angels were nothing but fabrications, hallucinations, and autosuggestions, both for myself and my clients.

Despite the fact that working with Angels started to bring tangible results to my clients—problems in their lives were being resolved, their health was improving—it was extremely difficult for me to believe and accept this as reality.

I can’t say I was a die-hard materialist. But I held enough convictions to feel a strong internal conflict and struggle with this new reality.

I was plagued with constant doubts about what I was observing in my work, doubts about my actions and the results of those actions. As I thought at the time, to deal with these doubts, I needed convincing evidence from authoritative sources, confirmations from respected authorities that Angels were real beings and that human interaction with Angels was not just a figment of my imagination, but a perfectly possible phenomenon.

I began my search for authoritative opinions on Angels by exploring the internet.

Many hours spent studying information on various websites gradually led me to a disheartening conclusion: if you take the information about Angels on the internet seriously, there’s a real risk of ending up in a mental institution.

Here’s just a small sample of the descriptions of Angels I encountered online: “Evil, lustful, angry, red, sexual, with black wings, with iron wings, with a scorched wing, warlike, snowy, crying, fiery, cruel, with red eyes, avenging angels, headless angel, mad, blue-eyed…”

Agree, who in their right mind would take this informational “vinaigrette” at face value?

I had to admit that my Angel was right when they said to me, “Most of the current people who talk about Angels are, as you say, hyping up the topic. There is very little simple, understandable, and practical information.”

This mishmash of opinions, myths, conjectures, and outright fantasies prompted me to shift my focus to truly authoritative sources. Sources that are significant and respected by a large number of people.

I immersed myself in searching for mentions of Angels in the Bible and the Quran.

The time I spent studying the Holy Books was not wasted.

Indeed, I found many texts in the Bible and the Quran where Angels were mentioned, described, or where there was talk of human interaction with them. Angels were participants in significant events described in the Holy Scriptures.

Thanks to these texts, I received the much-needed confirmation that people knew about Angels in ancient times and that the history of relationship with them is quite old.

It has become clear that encounters with my clients’ Angels, including my own, are not something imagined (or mystical). Rather, they represent a return to relationships that, while forgotten, have previously existed with these beings.

And yes, this somewhat alleviated my doubts, but it did not eliminate them entirely.

One thing about the texts in the Bible and the Quran troubled me.

It seemed to me that the texts mainly spoke about Angels performing either religious functions or interacting with chosen or holy people. Nowhere did I find descriptions of how an ordinary person, a commoner, could turn to their Angel for help in solving everyday problems or, say, how to improve their health with the help of their Angel.

I do not claim to have the ultimate truth, but my impression after familiarizing myself with the texts from the Bible and the Quran was that direct communication with Angels was only for special people. It was the lot of saints, the chosen ones, and so on. (I might be wrong, as my experience and the time I spent studying the Holy Scriptures are clearly insufficient for categorical judgments).

It troubled me that this did not align with my experience from my research.

Neither I nor my clients were saints or chosen ones. We were the most ordinary people. Yet each of us had an Angel or Angels, and we communicated with them as with our closest friends. And we received quite tangible help from them in matters, their protection. Angels helped us cope with illnesses and improve our health. And much more, which will also be discussed in this book.

So, although researching mentions of Angels in the Bible and the Quran reduced my doubts and lessened the intensity of my internal conflict with reality, something was clearly missing.

I felt the need to find additional sources of information about Angels. Sources that spoke about the interaction of ordinary people with these beings. And preferably, that this interaction was of a practical, applicable nature.

An inspiring discovery for me was the book “Spirit Releasement Therapy” by American doctor William Baldwin.

I express my sincere respect and gratitude to him for his research and the book he wrote based on it.

In this book, among other things, the doctor shared his personal experience and the experience of his patients working with Angels. And what was important to me was that this experience had a practical character.

Mr. Baldwin described his sessions with patients interacting with Angels. These sessions were aimed at solving practical problems, not at gaining some esoteric experience. He described what was done by him or his patients and what the results of these actions were.

Thanks to this, the information from his book became the basis for numerous experiments in my work with clients and their Angels. After all, as before, I was committed to testing new information in practice.

By reproducing Dr. Baldwin’s methods and approaches in working with my own clients, I came to understand two significant points for me.

First, there is nothing supernatural or mystical about communicating and interacting with Angels. It is a normal, natural phenomenon, which, moreover, offers substantial benefits in terms of a person’s ability to cope with their daily life challenges.

Second, my doubts about myself and my work turned out to be merely a consequence of my limited worldview and fear of stepping beyond the accepted stereotypes.

I realized that my need for information from authoritative sources was something akin to a child’s need for a walker—just a necessity for initial support in my first steps in a new, unexplored direction.

I was yet to gain confidence in my ability to move forward on the chosen path.