Developing Java microservices on AWS
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Developing Java microservices on AWS

Create and deploy Java microservices with Spring Boot and Docker on AWS ECS - Elastic Container Service

About the Book

This book is intended for software developers, with or without cloud computing experience, who want to dig deeper into the services offered by AWS. It is also a source of knowledge for administrators and system operators to familiarize themselves with AWS cloud resource creation and administration tools.


The microservices taught in this book, as an example of the concepts that will be presented, use modern frameworks and tools such as Spring Boot and Docker. In this way, the reader will learn to work with such technologies in conjunction with cloud computing services.


All examples have source code available for free access. The following is a brief description of each of them:

  • Project01: In this example, an application will be built with REST services for product registration, in a store context. Such products will be stored in a MySQL database using AWS RDS. For each product registration, deletion, or change operation, an event will be published to an AWS SNS topic, allowing integration with other applications. This application will also import invoice files through AWS S3.
  • Project02: This project will use an AWS DynamoDB table to persist the events generated by the first application, integrated through an AWS SQS queue.
  • Lambda01: This will be a simple example of a serverless application using functions with AWS Lambda, demonstrating how to schedule a function to be executed.
  • Lambda02: In this second example, we will demonstrate how to execute a Lambda function through an event published in the SNS.
  • Lambda03: Here's how to create a Lambda function to consume imported files in S3 and persist its data to a DynamoDB table.

If you have questions or suggestions, feel free to contact the author by email.


Have fun!

This book is a translation into English of Desenvolvendo microsserviços em Java na AWS which was originally written in Portuguese (Brazilian).

About the Author

Paulo Cesar Siecola
Paulo Cesar Siecola

Paulo Siecola is working as one of the team leaders at WatchGuard Brazil, responsible for part of the architecture of cloud-based security systems and negotiating the team tasks with the product owner. His is also acting as a developer, creating microservices with Java and Spring Boot, using Amazon Web Services. Professor in cloud computing in a post-graduated course at National Institute of Telecommunication - Brazil.

Table of Contents

  • 1 - Introduction
    • 1.1 - Who is this book for?
    • 1.2 - What is AWS
    • 1.3 - AWS services and resources
    • 1.4 - Didactic structure of the book
    • 1.5 - What will be needed
    • 1.6 - AWS feature limitations by account type
    • 1.7 - Next steps
  • 2 - Preparing the environment
    • 2.1 - AWS console
    • 2.2 - Development environment
    • 2.3 - Docker
    • 2.4 - Postman
    • 2.5 - Conclusion
  • 3 - Book content
  • 4 - Accounts and regions
    • 4.1 - Identity and Access Management
    • 4.2 - Regions
    • 4.3 - Availability Zones
    • 4.4 - Setting up the AWS CLI
    • 4.5 - Conclusion
  • 5 - Spring Boot concepts
    • 5.1 - Creating the aws_project01 base project
    • 5.2 - Opening the project in the IntelliJ IDEA
    • 5.3 - Project structure
    • 5.4 - Running the application for the first time
    • 5.5 - Generating logs
    • 5.6 - Creating a controller to expose an endpoint
    • 5.7 - Debugging the application
    • 5.8 - Setting the application
    • 5.9 - Creating services managed by the Spring
    • 5.10 - Conclusion
  • 6 - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
    • 6.1 - EC2 basic concepts
    • 6.2 - CPU and memory units
    • 6.3 - EC2 instance types
    • 6.4 - Creating an EC2 instance
    • 6.5 - Accessing the instances through SSH
    • 6.6 - Installing an application in an EC2 instance
    • 6.7 - Monitoring the EC2 instance
    • 6.8 - Instance states
    • 6.9 - Creating EC2 images and templates
    • 6.10 - Load balancer
    • 6.11 - Conclusion
  • 7 - Creating AWS resources with CloudFormation
    • 7.1 - What are templates
    • 7.2 - Template base structure
    • 7.3 - What are stacks
    • 7.4 - Creating a template to build an EC2 instance
    • 7.5 - Creating and managing stacks
    • 7.6 - Updating a stack
    • 7.7 - Deleting a stack
    • 7.8 - Conclusion
  • 8 - Running applications in Docker containers
    • 8.1 - How Docker containers works
    • 8.2 - Creating Docker images
    • 8.3 - Running applications in Docker containers
    • 8.4 - Docker Hub
    • 8.5 - Conclusion
  • 9 - Amazon Elastic Container Service
    • 9.1 - Cluster
    • 9.2 - Tasks
    • 9.3 - Service definition
    • 9.4 - Increasing the number of instances
    • 9.5 - Updating a service with a new task definition
    • 9.6 - Conclusion
  • 10 - Amazon CloudWatch
    • 10.1 - Visualizing the application logs
    • 10.2 - Visualizing the service metrics of a cluster
    • 10.3 - Creating alarms
    • 10.4 - Creating and monitoring events
    • 10.5 - Conclusion
  • 11 - Amazon Relational Database Service
    • 11.1 - Creating a MySQL database
    • 11.2 - Setting up the application to access the MySQL database
    • 11.3 - Persisting entities into the database
    • 11.4 Advance queries
    • 11.5 - Creating a new version of the application
    • 11.6 - Setting up the application container into the ECS
    • 11.7 - Monitoring the database instance
    • 11.8 - Conclusion
  • 12 - Amazon Simple Notification Service
    • 12.1 - Creating a SNS topic
    • 12.2 - Subscribing an email to receive notifications
    • 12.3 - Sending notifications through a SNS topic
    • 12.4 - Adding the permission to the ecsTaskExecutionRole to access the SNS
    • 12.4 - Conclusion
  • 13 - Amazon Simple Queue Service
    • 13.1 - Why use SQS
    • 13.2 - Creating a new application
    • 13.3 - Setting up the project with JMS
    • 13.4 - Consuming the SQS messages using JMS
    • 13.5 - Creating a new queue in the AWS SQS
    • 13.6 - Running the application on the cluster-01 of the ECS
    • 13.7 - Testing the messages consumer of the queue
    • 13.8 - Monitoring the SQS
    • 13.9 - Conclusion
  • 14 - Amazon DynamoDB
    • 14.1 - Creating the DynamoDB table
    • 14.2 - Setting up the application to access the table
    • 14.3 - Persisting entities in the table
    • 14.4 - Visualizing the DynamoDB table data
    • 14.5 - Testing and monitoring the DynamoDB table
    • 14.6 - Conclusion
  • 15 - Amazon Simple Storage Service
    • 15.1 - Creating the infrastructure
    • 15.2 - Setting up the project to access the S3 and the SQS
    • 15.3 - Creating an URL to upload the file
    • 15.4 - Receiving the S3 notification through the queue
    • 15.5 - Visualizing the invoices
    • 15.6 - Publishing the new version of the aws_project01 application
    • 15.7 - Testing importing invoice files:
    • 15.8 - Conclusion
  • 16 - Amazon Lambda
    • 16.1 - Scheduling a Lambda function execution
    • 16.2 - Invoking a Lambda function through a SNS notification
    • 16.3 - Invoking a Lambda function through a S3 notification
    • 16.4 - Monitoring the Lambda function executions
    • 16.5 - Conclusion

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