Agile For Teams
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Agile For Teams

About the Book

Matt Kocaj's #agileforteams concept provides a lightweight and pragmatic approach to agile that could provide huge benefits to a lot of teams. If your team is struggling with agile or is just getting started on their agile journey, then #agileforteams is definitely worth a look.

Jeremy Jarrell, Pluralsight author and agile coach.

#agileforteams is a playbook for pragmatic software development, scientific work tracking and estimation, evidence based decision making, and practical no-nonsense leadership advice. If you don't have time for theories and simply need a concrete tried and tested process to help your team deliver smarter into prod, then you'll like what you find in this book.

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About the Author

Matt Kocaj
Matt Kocaj

Matt is a full stack developer, team lead and agile enthusiast. He gets excited about solving real problems and testing the various solutions until he finds the ones that delight users. Matt is an avid student of the #leanstartup principals, and has enjoyed success by keeping things small, simple and easy to change. These principals give teams and products the edge in the marketplace. Matt is also a student of science and measuring progress in order to deliver value in a consistent and sustainable manner. Matt is particularly passionate about automated testing (all kinds), devops/automation and pragmatic development.

Table of Contents

  • Vision
  • What is this #agileforteams thing about?
  • Why should you care about Agile?
    • Because you care about delivery
    • Because you care about your team’s morale
    • You care about cost, optimisation and efficiency
    • You care about building the right thing more than the wrong thing really productively
    • You care because using the #agileforteams process, you stand to gain:
    • Questions and Actions
  • What is Agile?
    • Agile is open ended, so you need guidance
    • The answer is always: It depends.
    • Process first, Tooling second
    • Questions and Actions
  • Part 1: The Retrospective
    • Questions and Actions
  • Part 2: The Agile “iterative” cycles
    • Loops, feedback and getting up to speed
    • So what are these “loops” then?
  • The Principle of #smallbatches
    • Because Small is Fast
    • Because Small is Easier
    • Because Smaller is Clearer
    • Because Small == Low Risk
    • Because Small gives you Fast Feedback
    • Small often removes dependencies
    • So how do you get to Small?
  • Pivotal Tracker
    • Compared to other tools
    • The Killer Feature
    • Questions and Actions
  • Part 3: The Story Lifecycle
    • Writing a high-quality Story
    • Defining a high-quality Story
    • Estimating a Story
    • Starting
    • Building
      • Mainline Development
      • Automated Testing
      • Continuous Monitoring in Production
      • Fast Deployments
      • Simple Architecture
      • So what do you get in return?
    • Finishing
    • Delivering
    • Acceptance (sign off) and Rejections
    • Rinse and Repeat
    • Questions and Actions
  • Part 4: Points on the Scoreboard
    • When is it going to happen?
    • Why is Velocity so important?
    • An Agile process needs to be sustainable
  • Thoughts on Bugs and Chores
    • Bugs
    • Chores
  • Part 5: How can I get this happening in my team today?
    • Do your stakeholders need convincing?
    • What new part of your project is Low Risk?
    • Just bite the bullet and do a Hard Cutover.
  • Final thoughts, housekeeping and parting inspiration

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