Aesop's Fables. A Treasury of Ancient Wisdom: 137 Bilingual Stories from the Sage. English-Spanish Parallel Texts
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Aesop's Fables. A Treasury of Ancient Wisdom: 137 Bilingual Stories from the Sage. English-Spanish Parallel Texts

Sobre este libro

This illustrated book contains a collection of classic ancient tales, presented in a bilingual edition, that is perfect for those learning Spanish or English. With 137 stories and parallel translations, it provides students at any level with a chance to expand their vocabulary without needing to refer to a dictionary all the time. With this format, each Spanish sentence is accompanied by its English translation on the same page, making it easy to compare and understand.

Learning with parallel text

The parallel text encourages 'noticing' - the presence of the target language and the first language version on the same page facilitates 'noticing' grammar and vocabulary structures in an authentic linguistic context.

Students learn vocabulary in context, the parallel text presents new lexical items without the teacher's direct involvement.

This can effectively encourage reading for less confident individuals, the translation support lessens the anxiety levels of such learners and provides a solid and effective mechanism for learning a second language.

Learning with fables

The enduring nature of fables is enthralling, and the morals they impart can be extremely relevant in today's world.

Fables are stories that teach important lessons about life. They can teach us how to be brave when things are hard, how to work well with others, how to accept people for who they are, and how to make good choices.

By reading these fables, you'll not only become familiar with common language expressions, but you’ll also gain valuable worldly wisdom.

137 short stories

The most familiar versions of Aesop’s fables come from those published by the Library of Congress in 1852. Most English-speaking readers know this variation of the fables. In this book, the fables have been updated with modern language, making them shorter and easier to understand for today’s readers. Likewise, the Spanish versions have been modernized. In addition to modernizing the language, some stories have been eliminated or updated to reflect our modern world.

The stories in this collection are brief and can be read quickly – each fable only spans one or two pages that can be completed in a single sitting. While we believe that anyone can benefit from reading these stories, having a basic understanding of Spanish is recommended in order to fully appreciate the value of the message in both languages.

Sobre el autor

Helen Winter
Helen Winter

I'm an early child development therapist and an early development kids center owner. Additionally, I have authored a comprehensive program that utilizes music, activities, and games to promote early childhood development. I develop teaching materials for early solfeggio designed for various musical instruments, with a specific focus on children or beginner adults. Furthermore, I am keenly interested in exploring folk and ethnic music.

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