ChatGPT - Using the AI Appliance
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ChatGPT - Using the AI Appliance

Start Simply - Skip the AI Hype - Get Results Easily

About the Book

Have you ever wondered how using ChatGPT can help you solve problems? Are you not sure where to start or how to get the most out of ChatGPT with the least effort? Is the "AI Hype" helping or hindering you? Would a book with a simple and practical approach help?

Then this book is for you

This book sidesteps the intricacies of ChatGPT and treats it as an 'AI appliance' that anyone can use. The “Black Box” mindset says, “not understanding the internal operation of ChatGPT is not a blocker to effective use of ChatGPT”.

With this book, you will be able to:

  • Learn how to approach ChatGPT as a "black box" and why this mindset is beneficial.
  • Gain the skills to engineer effective prompts for specific needs.
  • Understand how to evaluate the quality of ChatGPT’s responses.
  • Learn to focus on what you can control—inputs and outputs—rather than getting lost in its technological complexity.
  • And much, much more.

Why sift through dense academic papers or swim in a sea of misleading information online? This book provides a digestible, straightforward guide for laypeople and tech enthusiasts. This book distils complex concepts into actionable insights, offering a straightforward pathway to ChatGPT mastery.

Don’t miss the chance to be ahead of the curve in understanding and leveraging this groundbreaking technology. Click the "Buy Now" button and embark on your journey to becoming a ChatGPT expert today!

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    • GPT
    • Management
    • Artificial Intelligence
    • Consulting
    • Digital Transformation
    • Innovation Management
    • Business and IT Alignment
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About the Author

Adam Russell
Adam Russell

Adam writes about project management on his blog “Adam On Projects” and in his books and other content at He is also an expert in applying ChatGPT to project environments and has written several books on ChatGPT.

Adam coaches and mentors other project managers, and consults on various projects around the world.

Adam Russell has successfully delivered software development, software package, and systems integration projects for nearly 40 years, using both Agile and traditional approaches.

Adam started as a software developer, and then moved into pre-sales technical support when the IBM PC launched. He launched his project management career after he helped to close a significant government deal. The head of projects said: “You helped sell it. Now, you can deliver it”.

Since then, Adam has worked for companies ranging from 1-person startups to global tier-1 vendors and customer organisations in roles ranging from hands-on project manager through to General Manager of Systems Integration.

In those roles, Adam has been responsible for delivering hundreds of projects, ranging in budget from $5k up to over $100m. Adam also volunteers his time and skills with non-profit organisations.

Table of Contents

    • Getting Engaged with this Book and its Author
    • Notes about this version
    • Introduction
    • How to Read This Book
      • Outline of this Book
      • Where to from here?
    • Artificial Intelligence: The New Generic Application
      • Start with simplicity
        • The Artificial Intelligence “Tipping Point”
        • The Tipping Point Unpacked
        • Massive Reductions in Costs and Time to Deliver
      • ChatGPT: The AI Appliance for Everyone
        • The Complexity and Opacity of GPT
        • Characteristics of an Appliance
      • Crossing the Skills Bootstrapping Chasm
      • The ChatGPT Black Box Mindset
    • Unpacking the ChatGPT Black Box Mindset
      • Six Components Enable One Mindset
      • Engage the Black-Box Interface
        • The Human-ChatGPT Black-box Interface
        • ChatGPT Characteristics
        • Conclusion
      • Play to ChatGPT Strengths
        • GPT Key Strengths
        • Conclusion
      • Understand Critical ChatGPT Constraints
      • Focus on What the User can Control
        • Deciding on the Strategy for ChatGPT Use in a User’s Problem Domain
        • User Attitude & Expectations of ChatGPT
        • Prompt Structure and Content
        • Interaction Use Cases
        • ChatGPT Product Interaction
        • Use of ChatGPT Responses
      • Adopt Curious Abundance
      • Adopt Black-box Governance
    • Interacting with ChatGPT
      • Organic prompting
        • Why Not Just Start with Prompt Engineering?
        • The Foundations of Organic Prompting
        • Principles of Organic Prompting
        • Example of Organic Prompting
        • Organic Prompt “Nudges”
        • When is Organic Prompting The Wrong Approach?
      • Grow with Advanced Organic Prompting
        • Satisficing is Satisfaction
      • Organic Planning
        • Basic Interacting with ChatGPT
        • From Interaction to I-P-O
      • A Shallow Dive Into GPT Functionality
        • Some (Not Unreasonable) Myths on GPT Operation
        • Conclusion
      • Practical Suggestions for Focusing on What the User Can Control
        • Do This:
        • Don’t Do This:
        • Conclusion
      • Myths, Mistakes, and Biases
        • Anthropomorphisation
        • Hallucination in AI Systems
        • ChatGPT and the Phenomenon of “Lying”
      • How should you engage with ChatGPT?
    • More from Adam Russell
    • About the Author
      • Career Summary
    • Copyright

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