About Bloody Time
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About Bloody Time

About the Book

Guardian Reader’s Book of the Year, 2007

As with so much in this absorbing book, the title opens onto other, more painful and more puzzling perspectives. Touch and taste, history and healing, are thematic in Jenner’s poetry, which is ultimately about (im)mortality and bloody Time itself - James Keery, PN Review (193)

About Bloody Time is brilliant, full of tactical love of language, attractively drawn to events and arts as well as to the terrible obligations of pastoral and ethical. Best point is that page after page there are things I’m glad I’ve encountered and almost as frequently signs emerge which are new to me and happily met - Peter Porter (2009)

Rich and complex. For me there are essentially two kinds of ‘difficult poetry’—material I find worth engaging with…and that which I don’t. Jenner’s work is very clearly in the first category - Steve Spence, Stride‘Xenakis’, for instance, is a classic - Andrew Duncan

There is genius in this poetry - Martin Seymour-Smith (1998)

Of course, this is ‘difficult’ or ‘modern’ poetry. I believe, however, that the world will catch up with it. This little review is to let you have advance warning so that later on you will be able to say ‘I told you so’ - David Pollard, Tears in the Fence (51)

Simon Jenner is a serious and witty writer. His work is difficult but rewards close attention... There may well be a considerable new poet on the horizon. In my opinion, his best work is yet to come - Robert NyeSuperbly original, I think great poetry - Jeremy Reed

This collection alchemises its way into “the time of a poem” with richness and brilliance. I will be reading it for a long time - Christina Viti

About the Author

Simon Jenner
Simon Jenner

Simon Jenner was born in Cuckfield, Sussex in 1959. Failing everything at school except art, he learnt to fly instead, although discovering poetry forestalled a career in airframes. He was belatedly educated at Leeds, then Cambridge, where his PhD topic was paradoxically ’Oxford Poetry of the 1940s’. Despite early recognition from poets such as Martin Seymour-Smith, Peter Porter and Robert Nye, Jenner’s solo mono-lingual debut was curiously delayed: uniquely, his debut came with two bi-lingual volumes published in Germany, in 1996 and ’97 – and parallel texts in English and German. His British debut collection, About Bloody Time, was published eventually by Waterloo Press in 2007. Extensive reviews of this volume appeared in Stride (Steve Spence), Tears in the Fence 51 (David Pollard), and PN Review (Jim Keery). Prior to this debut, he undertook poetry tours in Germany in 1996 and 1997 (hence the bi-lingual collections), a South East Arts Bursary in 1999, Royal Literary Fund grants in 2003 and 2006 and appearances on the BBC between 1999 and 2003. He has been Director of Survivors' Poetry since 2003 and, since 2008, has also been a Royal Literary Fund Fellow, first, at the University of East London. He took up the same post at Chichester University in September 2009.

Table of Contents

  • I
    • 19 Keere Street
    • The Cottingley Hoaxes, 1917
    • Ubersetze
    • ‘…- 273, for all practicable purposes…’
    • Apologia for Laureates
  • II
    • Schoenberg’s System
    • Last Waltz, 1841
    • My Requiems
    • Missing Cornelius
    • Down by the Rio Grande
    • Strad
    • Xenakis
  • III
    • Mr Jones’s English
    • Autobiography
    • Bavarian Poetry Tour
    • Taube
    • Nudism
    • Snag_ _
    • Albourne Ward
    • Know Now
    • Little Boxes
  • IV
    • Cysplatinum
    • Halley’s Cambridge
    • On an Amaryllis
  • V
    • Devil Dum-Dum
    • A Shattered Healing
    • Timetables
    • About Bloody Time
  • VI
    • Shirt off my Back
    • Sod’s Second Law
    • Rhythm
    • Light Eaters
    • K_ _ _
    • Name
    • First Bread
    • Gloss
    • Snap
    • Noises Off
    • Termination
    • Dying Back
  • VIII
    • Innocence
    • Arms
    • Prinzkanalstraat
    • Year of the Snake
    • Kidwelly
    • Finishing Off

About the Publisher

This book is published on Leanpub by Waterloo Press

Waterloo Press offers readers an eclectic list of the most inventive and stimulating poetry from the UK and abroad. Our beautifully designed books range from lost modernist classics to translations of senior international poets and vibrant collections by the best young British poets around. Waterloo Press brings radical and marginalised voices to the fore, mirroring the aesthetic value of their work in outstanding book design, including dust jackets; large font; and original artwork for the covers. With its diverse and growing list, Waterloo Press breaks down the borders between contemporary schools of poetry, to forge a new poetics based on respect for craft, innovation and the challenge of real communication. You can find the press at: http://www.waterloopresshove.co.uk/

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