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About the Book
After growing up in the U.S., the author returned to Taiwan after three decades, the country of her birth. Often lumped in with a her Asian counterparts in a group stereotypically known as "ABCs" or American-Born Chinese, she struggles constantly with issues regarding racial identity and discrimination.
This memoir is about what it is like being part of this group of third-culture orphans in both the U.S. and Taiwan, about what it means to be Asian in America and what it's like being American in Asia. It also discusses different viewpoints about certain issues from both Western and Eastern thinking, matters such as family, health and education.
About the Author
Jade Rose Lee has been writing from an early age. Her poetry has been published in literary magazines including Mirage, Journeys, Boing! and Westwind. She is working on a series novel and her memoirs. weblog: e-mail: Facebook fan-page: Jade Rose Lee