The Subtle Art of Fucking Breastfeeding
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The Subtle Art of Fucking Breastfeeding

What No One Tells You and How to Reach Milk Nirvana

About the Book

Plenty of blogs and books preach about the benefits of breastfeeding, how to breastfeed, and common challenges, but they are dull or judgmental as hell – and stressed out sleep deprived mommies don’t have time to deal with that.

The Subtle Art of F*cking Breastfeeding lives in the real world. In this refreshingly entertaining how-to guide, we’re going to arm you with all the info and techniques you need to breastfeed and kick a bunch of serious ass.

This book is an invitation to all mommies who want to elevate their breastfeeding game. No more sore nipples. No more doubts about whether you have enough milk for your baby. No more late-night cry fests. Sh*t is about to get real.

Topics include:

increase lactation

womanly art of breastfeeding

breastfeeding questions

increase milk supply

breastfeeding books

how to breastfeed

baby breastfeeding

breast milk

mom breastfeeding

breastfeeding guide

best breastfeeding books

breastfeeding advice

breastfeeding tips

breastfeeding newborn

About the Author

Winnie Kam
Winnie Kam

WINNIE KAM has been a breastfeeding machine since the birth of her first child in 2017. She holds an MBA, CPA, and a 10-year career leading strategy and change in both government and banking. She lives in Toronto, Canada with her husband and son.

About the Contributors

Danny Hui
Danny Hui

Engineer, entrepreneur and producer.  Danny has been involved with 21 startups, produced over 400 web comics, and created hundreds of websites.  He is a student of the art of business, and a relentless solution-finder.  With over 7 years of software consulting, he has first-hand experience in all ranges of companies, from 1-man bands to the fortune 500 enterprises.  When Danny isn't working on a startup, he enjoys kickboxing, traveling, and clay sculpting.

Table of Contents

Preface...................................................................... vi

Chapter 1.................................................................... 1

Breastfeeding is going to be easy............................... 1

My personal breastfeeding journey........................... 2

Chapter 2 Everything you need to start breastfeeding.. 5

Essentials to make breastfeeding more enjoyable....... 5

Chapter 3 Starting breastfeeding and working on your technique              14

Warning: breastfeeding will not start out pleasantly 14

Breastfeeding Positions.......................................... 15

Laidback............................................................... 16

Cross Cradle.......................................................... 17

Football................................................................ 19

Cradle................................................................... 21

Side-lying.............................................................. 23

Length of feeding................................................... 24

Frequency of feeds................................................. 25

Pick a starting breast.............................................. 25

Switching sides...................................................... 26

Getting a good latch............................................... 26

Unlatching............................................................ 28

Colostrum and the first few days of breastfeeding.... 28

Breastfeeding at night............................................ 28

Breastfeeding in public places................................. 29

Until what age should I breastfeed my baby?........... 30

Whatever you do, don’t use a pacifier..................... 31

Don’t forget about contraception........................... 31

Chapter 4 What happens when breastfeeding hurts like a mofo 32

Chapter 5 Establishing milk supply and how to make more milk 34

I’m not making enough milk................................... 34

How do I increase milk supply?............................... 35

Chapter 6 How to use a breast pump.......................... 42

Why should I pump?.............................................. 42

How does a pump work?........................................ 43

How do I use and set up my breast pump?............... 43

Finding the right breast shield size for my pump..... 44

Storing Milk........................................................... 46

I need to be away from my baby for more than 2-3 hours             47

Chapter 7 Plugged ducts and other issues.................. 48

Plugged ducts and mastitis..................................... 48

Thrush or yeast infection........................................ 50

Illness and medication........................................... 50

Chapter 8 Feeding with Formula................................ 52

I need to supplement or feed with formula – what now?              52

Get the right gear:................................................. 52

Which formula should I use?.................................. 56

How much formula should I feed?.......................... 57

Chapter 9 Finding help.............................................. 58

Conclusion          61

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