PrimeFaces & OmniFaces - Powers Combined
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PrimeFaces & OmniFaces - Powers Combined

About the Book

As you probably know, PrimeFaces is a very popular framework and the ultimate UI framework for Java EE. At the same time, OmniFaces is the most comprehensive JSF utility library that aims to make JSF life easier. In this book, you can exploit a suite of examples that combines these two libraries for obtaining more powerful, robust and less verbose applications. As you will see, there are many situations when the PrimeFaces UIs can take advantage of the OmniFaces help.

About the Author

Anghel Leonard
Anghel Leonard

Anghel Leonard is a CA interested in Java performance

About the Contributors

Tyler Durden
Tyler Durden

java enthusiast

Tyler Durden is a java enthusiast who has been researching Java for several years. Besides Java core, Tyler is also interested in java web frameworks, obtaining a deeper understand of JavaServer Faces and related libraries/frameworks (e.g. PrimeFaces, OmniFaces). He lives in Dallas, TX where he runs his own business; in his free time he enjoys going to the movies and restaurant hopping.

Table of Contents

  • Author
  • Contributor
  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1: Working with faces messages
    • Faces messages with multiple client IDs in the for attribute
    • Show a single custom global message
    • Highlight invalid inputs via custom CSS
  • Chapter 2: Working with links and request parameters
    • Use <p:link/> and <o:param/> to pass objects into generated link
    • Use <p:commandButton/Link/> and <o:param/> to pass objects into managed beans
    • Create complex labels
    • Using <h:outputFormat/> output as input parameter
  • Chapter 3: Working with JavaScript/CSS resources
    • Executing a JavaScript snippet after each AJAX/non-AJAX request
    • Fire AJAX requests from plain JavaScript functions
    • Combining PrimeFaces resources in a single resource
    • Providing external (CDN) URLs instead of the default local URLs for JSF resources
    • Defer loading and parsing of JavaScript resources
    • Reference relative URLs to images in CSS files without #\{resource}
  • Chapter 4: Initializing PrimeFaces components via view parameters
    • Suppressing the invocation of the setter/converter/validator at each postback
    • Supply a label for messages
    • Supply a default value
    • Suppressing invocation of the converter regardless the null values
    • Support bean validation and triggering validate events on null value
  • Chapter 5: Referencing, rendering and moving PrimeFaces components
    • Access a component by using a reference to it
    • Controlling the rendering of components
    • Moving components, facets and behaviors at runtime to a target component
  • Chapter 6: Working with media content
    • Working with images
    • Loading external media content
    • Check if the current request is a PrimeFaces dynamic resource request
  • Chapter 7: Including Servlets/JSP output in JSF page
    • Including a Servlet output in a PrimeFaces component
    • Decorating the Servlet output
  • Chapter 8: Working with forms
    • Introducing OmniFaces Form component
    • Preserving query string over postbacks
    • Preserving view parameters over postbacks
    • Quick look at useRequestURI attribute
    • Ignoring validation failures in <o:form/>
  • Chapter 9: Import constants, interfaces, enums and public static methods
    • Import constants/interfaces via PrimeFaces and OmniFaces
    • Import enums via PrimeFaces and OmniFaces
    • Import public static methods with OmniFaces
  • Chapter 10: Let’s convert data with PrimeFaces and OmniFaces
    • Using Java enums in UISelectMany components
    • The <f:selectitems/> and the conversion of the submitted strings to their values
    • Converting selection components which work directly via a List
    • Working with a converter in an iterating component (e.g. <p:dataTable/>)
    • Passing through conversion only the modified values
    • Discussing converters dependency injection
    • Do you want more built-in converters?
  • Chapter 11: Let’s validate data with PrimeFaces and OmniFaces
    • Display the label of the component where a constraint violation originated from
    • Customize the PrimeFaces client-side bean validation error messages
    • “Force” the user to tick a checkbox
    • Passing through validation only the modified values
    • Validating unique column in UIData
    • Validation control and cross-field validation (class level validation)
    • Multiple field validators
    • Working with a validator in an iterating component (e.g. <p:dataTable/>)
    • Discussing validators dependency injection
    • Entirely skip validation
    • Handling view parameters validation failure
  • Chapter 12: Boost <f:event/> and <f:viewAction/>
    • The <f:event/> and preInvokeAction/postInvokeAction event types
    • Boost <f:viewAction/> via <o:viewAction/>
  • Chapter 13: Caching aspects in PrimeFaces and OmniFaces
    • JSF cient-side caching aspects
    • PrimeFaces and OmniFaces server-side caching aspects
    • Caching HTML markup via PrimeFaces and EHCache
    • Caching HTML markup via PrimeFaces and Hazelcast
    • Caching HTML markup via OmniFaces
    • Add a header with given a name and value to the HTTP response
    • Facelets default non-hot reload in production
    • Further readings
  • Chapter 14: Handling exceptions
    • Handling AJAX exceptions
    • Handling non-AJAX exceptions
    • PrimeFaces vs OmniFaces exception handlers
    • Report exceptions as global FATAL faces messages
  • Chapter 15: Final word

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