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About the Book
"I further believe that object technology holds the potential for fundamental changes in the software industry and that it is here to stay."
Bertrand Meyer wrote, in the preface of his famous book, "Object-Oriented Software Construction".
This book or coding bootcamp, whatever you want to call it, is designed for absolute beginners who have not yet made their hands dirty with code.
However, if you plan to be a web developer, learning a good dynamic programming language, then this book is for you.
PHP 8 is custom-made for you to build from simple to complex web application.
It is equivalent to an intensive coding bootcamp for three months designed for Absolute Beginners. PHP developers could enhance their coding skill by following a set of rules.
This book will give you enough PHP code to practice, so that you can learn all the basic and advanced function and the language references.
After finishing this book I advice you to take the second PHP 7 coding bootcamp, belonging to this series.
All you need to do is code everyday from eight to twelve hours using this guide. After two months, you will find, programming in PHP 8 is much easier than before.
At the end of the book you will also find a project that will help you to build a dynamic web application.
If you are an absolute beginner, then the first few sections may not look very friendly; in fact, you would have a strange feeling, such as, I don’t understand anything, or programming is not for me. My advice is, take your time.
Here is the real difference with the coding bootcamp you usually attend. They always force you to learn something in a stipulated time, say, three months, or six months. After that, what happens? Sixty percent of the participants just drop out. They cannot take that pressure.
You have a freedom to take your time, here. Code everyday, take your rime, and see the difference. Note down your progress. It is designed for two months. You can take three, or four months to complete the whole book.
Try to understand the concepts, and be aware of your purpose – why you are learning PHP? To build a web application, isn’t it? Then, why don’t you try to build a website of your own, using PHP code given here, and try to make it more dynamic? This is your first challenge: create a dynamic website after fifteen days.
About the Author
Armchair Polymath, Knowing Nothing. Freak, Split. In an absurd journey. Nowhere 2 Nowhere. Sanjib Sinha no longer writes tech. Sanjib Deb Sinha writes Fiction.