E-pos die Skrywer
You can use this page to email Schalk Cronjé about Tyd om Alleen te Reis.
Oor die Boek
Tyd om Alleen te Reis is moderne poësie in moderne Afrikaans. Dit vervat die emosies van die Suid-Afrikaner wat lank nie meer in die heimat bly nie, maar daagliks geraak word daardeur.
Oor die Outeur
Schalk Cronjé is an international product delivery coach. With his A-skill profile he brings an unique user-centric approach to software delivery at both a business and technical levels. e is well known and very active in the Gradle and Groovy communities. He has authored or contributed to a number of Gradle plugins. He is also the author of the well known Groovy VFS library. He also serves on the international steering committee of the Agile Testing Alliance.