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About the Book
Letter to Nina is a sociopolitical commentary on Uganda arising out of a 2 year debate between Drew Ddembe a blogger based on facebook and twitter. Nina Mbabazi Rukikaire writes a column as a social critic in a leading daily. She is also an NRM young Turk and the daughter of Uganda's prime minister Hon Amama Mbabazi, an NRM historical and one of its most powerful founding members. Nina received public recognition for her role in the re election ofPresident Museveni and the NRM. President Museveni, the man who said that "the problem with africa was leaders who did not want to retire from power" has been ruling for now 26 years and is widely believed to have no plans for retirement in the near future. Amama Mbabazi is thought to be interested in taking over but President Museveni has been on record as saying that he could see no one in his party suitable to take over from him.
About the Author
Drew Ddembe has an interest in Ugandan social issues and in particular health. He takes President Museveni literally by believing that, quote "the provision of services is the business of government. Any government that does not provide services to the people has no business being in power". Twenty six years later, President Museveni and his NRM government have failed to deliver services to the people yet they contradict themselves by insisting on continuing to hold onto power!
Drew Ddembe is a nom de plume.