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About the Book
Data is nowadays ubiquitous, voluminous and puzzling. It is not surprise that scientists are so interested in analysing it, understanding it and discovering underlying complex patterns within it. And that’s the origin of what is known as Data Science. But as much as the scientific interest in this respect is growing, so it is practitioners curiosity about potential applications in real life and development of technological tools for Data Science in non-academic contexts.
This book has been designed to introduce newcomers to the essentials of Data Science using a hands-on approach rather than a theoretical perspective. For this aim, it addresses two of its most important branches: Machine Learning and Metaheuristics. The book presents many introductory examples as well as an assortment of challenges with varying levels of difficulty, for readers to solve them using the Python programming language, the current tool–of–choice adopted by the Data Science community. These challenges (nearly 90 programming exercises) will help readers to acquire skills that hopefully will foster their academic or industry interests involving data analysis for knowledge discovery.
About the Author
With a background in Computer Science, Software Engineering and Machine Learning, Sergio is curious about the crossroads between natural and machine intelligence. His research interests are pattern recognition, large scale online learning and bio-inspired optimisation, with applications to bioinformatics, bio-inspired metaheuristics, learning on graphs and science dissemination. He is currently Full Professor at the School of Engineering of Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Bogotá, Colombia.