Lecture Notes on Intelligent Agents Spring 2013
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Lecture Notes on Intelligent Agents Spring 2013

From the course by full prof. Stefania Costantini, University of L'Aquila

About the Book

This book is the result of the notes taken during the course in Intelligent Agents hold by full professor Stefania Costantini at the University of L'Aquila in spring 2013. For official information about the course, refer to the professor's home page. In other words, this is a companion textbook, there can be errors and mistakes inside: these are all author's fault, and he will be delighted to receive your observations, comments and especially corrections. Please contact me at my permalink.

The fundamental book adopted for the course is the classic handbook by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, which is the most adopted book in Artificial Intelligence in the world. IIf these books are too hard, you can start from the book by Robert Kowalski on Computational Logic and Human Thinking.

About the Author

Federico Gobbo
Federico Gobbo

Federico Gobbo wrote this notes on class when following the course being Research Fellow in Computer Science at the University of L'Aquila and member of the Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Agents research group (AAAI@AQ) during the academic year 2012-3.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Presentation of the course
  • Beliefs, Desires, Intentions and other things
  • Current implementations of MAS
  • Semantics and modal logics
  • Introduction to modal logics
  • AgentSpeak(L)
  • From the Ontologies to the Semantic Web
  • Common-sense reasoning
  • Agent-based Abductive Logic Programming and the KPG model
  • Knowledge, Goals, Plans.
  • Answer-set programming in practice
  • Learning Agents

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